Staffing Committee Terms of Reference

Harmston Parish Council



Rev 2

  1. Membership of the Staffing Committee:

           1.1. As agreed at the Annual Meeting of Harmston Parish Council

           1.2. The quorum of the committee shall be three of its members


  1. Chair of the Staffing Committee

            2.1. The committee shall appoint by way of a vote its own chairman at the first meeting of the committee and at the first meeting after the Annual Meeting of Harmston Parish Council


  1. Meetings

           3.1. Meetings may be called by the Committee Chair or by 2 committee members and shall include at least 1 meeting per year (it is anticipated there will be more than 1)

           3.2. An Agenda must be circulated to all committee members, full council members and posted on the council website

           3.3. Meetings can be held virtually if a physical meeting is not practicable


  1. Minutes of Committee Meetings

           4.1.Meetings shall be minuted by a committee member decided at the start of each meeting

           4.2. The minutes of each meeting of the committee shall be made available for scrutiny at the next full Council meeting


  1. Powers of the Staffing Committee

           5.1.Committee may make any decisions on staffing matters which the full council is empowered to make, subject to the following provisos:

               5.1.1. Any other expenditure authorised by the committee (e.g. fees for legal advice) not to exceed £500 in total in any one financial year

               5.1.2. In the event of a staff vacancy, the cost of advertising not to exceed £250

               5.1.3.The Council’s overall payroll budget not to be exceeded by more than 5% as a result of such decisions


  1.  Responsibilities and Areas of Operation of the Staffing Committee

            6.1. To establish and keep under review the staffing structure of the Parish Council in consultation with the full Council

            6.2.  To establish and review salary pay scales for all categories of Parish Council staff and to be responsible for their administration and review

            6.3 To recruit and appoint Parish Council staff such as the Parish Clerk/RFO

            6.4 To arrange execution of new employment contracts and changes to contracts

            6.5 To establish and review performance management and staff training programmes as appropriate

            6.6 To oversee any process leading to dismissal of a member of Parish Council staff, including redundancy

            6.7 To keep under review staff working conditions

            6.8 To monitor and address regular or sustained staff absence

            6.9 To consider any appeal against a decision in respect of pay

            6.10 To consider grievance or disciplinary matters (and any appeals)

            6.11. To consider any problems referred to the committee by or on behalf of individual members of staff



Adopted: 13th July 2021

Updated: 16.7.24

Approved: 16.7.24