Staffing Committee Meeting Agenda July 2020

Harmston Parish Council



Staffing Committee Meeting Agenda

Tuesday 20th July 2021 Time 17:30

To be held at The Memorial Hall, Harmston


Members required to attend: Cllr B Hamilton, Cllr P Wallace and Cllr I Norman


The business to be transacted will be as follows:

  1. Confirm there is a Quorum (minimum 3 committee members)
  2. Agree who will take the minutes of the meeting
  3. To elect the Chairman of the ‘Staffing Committee’
  4. Members of this Committee are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting. In addition, any private or personal non-pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at this meeting should also be declared (unless it is insignificant or one which is shared with other members of the public generally as a Council Taxpayer or an inhabitant of the area)
  5. To approve the Minutes from the ‘Staffing Committee’ meeting of Harmston Parish Council held remotely on Monday 15th June 2020
  6. To consider and agree the updated terms of reference for this committee (Harmston Parish Council Terms of Reference Staffing Committee Rev 2.docx)
  7. To resolve on whether the Committee will move into closed session to consider the following confidential staffing matters (Should this resolution be passed any public or press in attendance will be required to leave the meeting at this stage)
  8. To consider and agree the hourly rate for FY 21/22 of the Clerk/RFO position based on latest published NJC Pay Scales
  9. Discuss and agree Clerk’s Annual Review process – mutually agreed date for review to be arranged after this meeting
  10. Discuss management of staff reporting to the Clerk (Litter picker/playpark maintenance)
  11. Review the working hours of the Clerk
  12. Review any comments, concerns, questions received from the Clerk to the Staffing Committee and agree a response




Signed P Wallace

Cllr Harmston Parish Council

14 July 2021