November 2021 Meeting Notes

Minutes of the Meeting of Harmston Parish Council

at The Memorial Hall, Harmston on Tuesday 16th November 2021 at 7.30 pm

Present Title Role
Mark Jones Parish Councillor Chairman
Paul Wallace Parish Councillor Vice Chairman
Ian Norman Parish Councillor  
Helen Jones Clerk to the Parish Council Clerk & RFO
Ian Carrington County Councillor  
Lucille Hagues District Councillor  
Marianne Overton District Councillor  
3 members of the public    


Apologies were received from Cllr J Graham-Walker and Cllr B Hamilton


None to declare


1. White gates were suggested as a way to highlight the start and end of the village, to remind road users to slow down and drive appropriately in a village, to help reduce the speed of traffic. The PC thanked the resident for his suggestion and will consider grants, budget and suitable positions and appropriate permissions for gates.

2. A resident was unhappy with proposed extension of parking at the play area. The PC confirmed that this was not true. Local website is advertising play area with parking. ACTION: Clerk to email and request parking be removed from the website, TD: Nov 2021

3. Concerns regarding the speed, size and volume of traffic on Church Lane. Issue continues to worsen as traffic bigger than space allows wanting to use the road. Both the PC and Cllr Carrington agreed this is an issue, one that has been a focus of the PC for quite some time. The Chair and Cllr Carrington have already been to assess, and Cllr Carrington has a visit pending with Highways. The resident request for weight restrictions will be looked into, although this is a very technical and difficult process. It is hoped that a combination of methods will have an impact on the traffic. Clerk has been liaising with Auborn PC and local Police contact to help find solutions. 30mph signs were added to bins. SpID has been in use and PC remain part of a local scheme to use this. ACTION: Clerk to look into cost, position and permission for white gates, TD: Jan 22; Clerk to contact website regarding play area, TD: 30.11.21.


Cllr M Jones proposed and Cllr P Wallace seconded, and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish held on 21st September 2021 were approved.

The addition of ‘actions’ by the Clerk has been noted and commended. Cllr Wallace proposed and Cllr I Norman seconded, and it was RESOLVED that a target date be added to decisions made on meeting notes. These will be preceded by ‘TD’.


a) Local Police

b) District Councillor Newsletter was received and shared prior to the meeting from D Councillor L Hagues. 

c) County Councillor County Councillor Ian Carrington shared his newsletter and his thoughts regarding issues on Church Lane.


1. Comments added to planning portal

2. Attended meeting with HMH & Church re celebrations for Queens Platinum Jubilee – details shared with PC (YFC emailed re beacon, Urban Gelato enquiry made)

3. Relevant authorities notified of new lights

4. Litter Picking application submitted – HPC now booked into scheme

5. Cheque book balanced

6. Meeting notes for September completed and shared with PC

7. Paperwork for signatories completed, signatures gained, and paperwork sent to the bank

8. Christmas Light consumption request submitted

9. Brackets acquired for the SpID device

10. Instructions for SpID acquired, and Coleby PC contacted for code (unable to proceed without it)

11. Date for Christmas event checked with HMH to avoid clashes of events, and confirmed for 4th December, 5.30 pm (HMH Christmas event 11.12.21)

12. Salvation Army booking submitted and confirmed

13. Bench located

14. North Kesteven Lottery information shared with local groups

15. Dog bin logistics discussed with NKDC and info shared with PC

16. Christmas event shared via website

17. September meeting notes uploaded onto website

18. Planning portal updated

19. Planning applications shared

20. HPA management team contacted and update shared

21. Arthritis Action news added to the website

22. New Lincolnshire police road safety campaign added to the website

23. New cheque book ordered, and received

24. Bank statement received, cheque book balanced and finance report created

25. Budget for 2021/22 drafted ready for decisions at next meeting

26. Notice received from D West, response sent thanking him and wishing him well

27. Dog bin stockists and costs investigated and shared with PC

28. Grasscutters contact for field acquired. Quote requested.

29. PC Roberts reply shared with PC

30. Quotes for fence acquired

31. Filing cabinet at hall assessed – will need removing and documents checking

32. Poppies added to noticeboards

33. Residents requiring responses have been written to

34. Signatories’ confirmation of changes received, and shared with PC

35. Resident interested in vacancy contacted and invited to the next HPC meeting


a) To consider the Financial Report for 2021 to date Councillors reviewed the report which was all in order

b) HPC Financial Report for November 2021

Councillors reviewed the report which was all in order

Treasurers Account Balance November meeting 2021: £24,114.04 

  Item Description Invoice No Expense Account Total Item Chq No. Details Cheque Cleared
01/10/21 H. Jones   Clerk Salary 334.72 1016 Sept Wages 12.20.21
13/10/21 E.ON 10836 E.On Maintenance 2,898.00 1017 Replacement lights  
13/10/21 D. West   Village Maintenance 210.00 1018 July - Sept litter picking/play equipment 05.11.21
13/10/21 M. Jones   Contingency 18.99 1019 SpID Brackets 05.11.21
13/10/21 H. Jones   Clerk Salary 418.40 1020 Oct wages (5 weeks) 03.11.21
      Total Expenditure £3,880.11      


Pending Payments
  Item description Total Payment Details
Dec Clerk Salary £334.72 Nov (4 weeks)
Dec  Clerk Office £45.00 Sept/Oct/Nov


c) Monies to be paid

There were no outstanding payments.

It was agreed that online banking should be investigated. This would also mean a change to standing orders. ACTION: Clerk to look into online banking, TD: 25.01.21

d) Signatories The new signatories are now confirmed and functioning.

e) Consider Budget for 2022-2023 The clerk provided the PC with an overview of spend to date, and projected spend to the end of year. The Clerk requested that the PC decide on any additional items that needed adding to the budget, and a proposed amount, so that a final draft of the budget could be distributed before the next meeting in January 2022. It was agreed to allocate £1,800.00 for a SpID and £2,500.00 for well repairs. ACTION: Clerk to draft final proposed budget, TD: 10.1.22 8/11



b) PLANNING 21/1087/VARCON The Thorold Arms (Amendment) - no comment to make applications. 21/0322/HOUS Hillcrest, School Lane – as this application was only received today, thus not allowing any opportunities for resident comments to be received, it was agreed that if no comments or objections were made by the PC or residents by 30/11/21, that the Clerk will update the planning portal to reflect this. ACTION: Clerk to update planning portal to reflect feedback, TD: after 30.11.21


a) Discuss and agree event details event will be held on Saturday 4.12.21, at 5.30pm. ACTION: Clerk to order mince pies, mulled wine, sweets, drinks etc, TD: 3.12.21

Cllr Jones proposed, Cllr Norman seconded and it was RESOLVED that a contribution of £100.00 be given to the Salvation Army following their involvement in the event.

b) Discuss Christmas Tree Tree ordered, Clerk has contacted HYF to ask if they are able to help put the tree up Maintenance lights

c) Nominate a Neighbour It was agreed to hold this event again following the warm welcome it received last year. Clerk has made poster. ACTION: Clerk to advertise event, TD: immediately; Clerk to order cards and gifts when numbers are known and PC to deliver, TD: before Christmas

d) Unveiling of bench A new location of near the Orchard was agreed for the bench in memory of the HPC’s past Chair, which will be unveiled at the Christmas event. ACTION: Clerk to decide on wording and order to plaque, and to contact HPA Management for permission for new location TD: 3.12.21


a) Fence the HPC considered three quotes for fencing. Cllr Jones proposed, Cllr Norman seconded, and it was RESOLVED that the quote from Professional Paddock Care for £3708.78, total of £4,450.54 including VAT, be selected, and instructed. The quote description being: to supply and erect 75m of Jacksons 1.2m high ‘Round Pale Palisade’ fencing along 3 sides of a play area. To include a 1.15m high, 1.0 wide round pale palisade gate to match and a Jacksons 3.0m Timber ‘Uni-Gate’, with posts to match. There is a 4-week lead for materials. ACTION: Clerk to instruct Professional Paddock Care, TD: 30.12.21

b) Grass Cutting Clerk has contacted the company who currently mow the HPA playing field, and is awaiting a response. ACTION: Clerk to chase for quote, TD: 30.11.21

c) Sign

ACTION: clerk to liaise with Cllr Graham-Walker

11/11 SpID

a) Device Update It was agreed to look at having fixings in different locations to enable the SpId location to vary around the village. Our turn with this device ends soon.

b) Consider proposal It was proposed by Cllr Wallace, seconded by Cllr Jones and RESOLVED that a SpID device be bought for Church Lane, Harmston, with a budget of up to £2,000.00. ACTION: Clerk to obtain prices, TD: 30.12.21

c) Discuss other measures to address traffic There may be a device that can differentiate between the size of vehicles - this needs exploring as would help to show the impact and volume of larger vehicles on Church Lane. Any further locations would need approval, and it would be prudent to check if a mains supply could be directed to the SpID. The suggestion of white gates in the Open Forum needs investigating in terms of costs, location and permissions needed. ACTION: Clerk to share SpID data with Cllr Carrington and PC Roberts, Clerk to inform residents of agreed purchase, Clerk to seek permissions for SpiD and gate locations, TD: 30.11.21 Clerk to look into gate suppliers and if grants are available, TD: 25.1.21

12/11 WELL

a) Discuss quotes, and agree upon a contractor

A quote has been gained from Randall Builders in Sleaford, of £2,500.00 + VAT, who can carry out the extensive work before Christmas. Pins and a concrete base is needed, and an acro prop with immediate effect. ACTION: Clerk to contact T Martin Hoyes, and one other for quotes, TD: 30.11.21 It was agreed that the contractor be instructed to add the acro prop due to safety, whilst other quotes are requested. If no other quotes are available then this quote should be instructed. Cllr Wallace proposed, Cllr Norman seconded, and it was RESOLVED that a budget of £2,500.00 be set, based on informal quotes, and subject to formal quote being agreed.

13/11 DOG BINS

a) Discuss and agree number of bins, location, supplier and costs Cllr Norman proposed, Cllr Wallace seconded, and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk order two Fido 25 Dog Waste bins from Glasdon UK, priced from £100.16 each. One bin will replace missing bin on HPA, the other will be placed near the gate on Church Lane. ACTION: Clerk to order both bins (TD: ASAP) and work with NKDC to have them installed, TD: Jan 2022.


a) Agree hourly rate, and hours per week for advertisement Cllr Wallace proposed, Cllr Norman seconded and it was RESOLVED that the rate of pay be fixed at £50.00 per month, 1 hour per week, and a budget of £200.00 for equipment. ACTION: Clerk to make advertisement, time sheet and map showing bins, Clerk to advertise vacancy, TD: end of 12.21

15/11 Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

a) Update from the Clerk the Clerk gave a brief update following first meeting. A possible figure for contribution was discussed.

b) Agree on a HPC member to help organise the event It was agreed that all members of the HPC take turns to attend the meetings along with the Clerk as there needs to be two representatives from each group (HPC, HMH, VCH) at every meeting alongside other volunteers


a) Discuss and agree next steps Due to other financial commitments, additional lighting will be put on hold until there is a requirement. ACTION: Clerk to look into alternatives, TD: March 2022


a) SpID

b) Footpath

c) Well

d) Dog Bins

e) Precept and budget

f) Play area – equipment, football, provision for older children, safety checks

g) Meeting dates for 2022-2023

h) Queens Platinum Jubilee


The next meeting will be Tuesday 25th January 2022 at the Memorial Hall, Harmston (restrictions withstanding).

There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 10.21pm Chair: Date:


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes