September Minutes 2021

Minutes of the Meeting of Harmston Parish Council

held at The Memorial Hall, Harmston on Tuesday 21st September 2021 at 7.30 pm

PRESENT: Cllr M Jones, Cllr P Wallace Cllr B Hamilton, Cllr I Norman, Cllr l Hagues, Cllr I Carrington, Mrs H Jones (Clerk)


Apologies were received from Cllr J Graham-Walker


Cllr B Hamilton regarding the Thorold Arms in item 10.

Cllr M Jones, and Clerk Mrs H Jones regarding Tree planning application in item 9a and The School House planning application, item 9b.

Cllr P Wallace regarding planning application for Green Ridge, item 9b.


A resident requested support from the PC regarding the volume and size of traffic on Church Lane and the effect on their property. The resident has requested a Traffic count and the Clerk added that other residents have also shown concern at the increase of traffic following the opening of the bypass, suggesting a weight restriction (Cllr Carrington stated that there are legal restrictions regarding this, and that an alternative solution would need to be found). Clerk to contact Auborn/Haddington for their feedback on how/if the Eastern bypass opening has affected the traffic through their villages, as Cllr Carrington indicated that other villages have also felt a negative impact in terms of volume and speed (such as Washingborough, Branston). Cllr Carrington will arrange a walk with the Highways Manager, if PC give him a list of concerns and focusses. Cllr Carrington confirmed that the Southern Bypass has been confirmed and should commence in 2025/2026 with a 3 year build programme, therefore some of the effects may be temporary rather than permanent. Clerk to respond to resident. ACTION: HJ contact resident, HJ contact Auborn & Haddington


Cllr M Jones proposed and Cllr P Wallace seconded, and all agreed, and the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish held on 18th May 2021 were approved.

Cllr P Wallace proposed and Cllr B Hamilton seconded, and all agreed, and the Minutes of the Staffing Committee meeting held on 18th May 2021 were approved.


a) Local Police PC Roberts is currently on leave. Clerk has contacted him for guidance regarding several matters of concern raised by some residents. Clerk to contact resident and inform them that the Police have been attending and continue to check.

b) District Councillor Newsletter was received and shared prior to the meeting from D Councillor L Hagues. c) County Councillor County Councillor Ian Carrington agreed a date for a suggested a walk around the village with the Clerk, Chair and any other members, to give him an overview of what Harmston needs.


1. Comments added to planning portal

2. Response sent to resident email

3. Coleby emailed re light alternatives

4. Maintenance Record set up and shared with D West E-mail: Website:

5. Playground Inspections booked on a rolling programme

6. Flag Fest response sent, and details of design requested

7. Dates for Graffoe Link checked, next submission date is 12.09.21

8. Filing up to date

9. New village sign added to PC insurance

10. Article for Harmston Matters (August edition) written and submitted

11. Resident complaints responded to

12. Meeting notes for July completed, circulated and added to the website

13. Purple bin information added to website and FB pages

14. Flag Fest information added to website and FB pages

15. SpID device chased

16. Coleby contacted re light replacement schedule

17. E-ON instructed to carry out repairs as agreed at July meeting

18. Jenny Bailey and D Cllr Overton emailed re bulbs for Memorial Hall

19. Planning Applications shared

20. Bank rung again re signatories

21. Staff committee document added to website

22. Vacancy posters requested for ESS and IE from NKDC organised; E Stockbridge Sime received and notice displayed for over 2 weeks in noticeboards and on website

23. Notice for Iain displayed for 2 weeks, and permission granted by NKDC for co-opt of new councillors

24. Local Plan information shared (Local Plan response drafted and submitted by Chair)

25. Vacancy posters made and added to website and noticeboards

26. Noticeboards updated

27. Clerk timesheet completed, payslip generated, and both shared with Staffing Committee

28. D. West paid

29. E-On paid

30. Bookkeeping paid

31. Article written for Harmston Matters (Oct edition), and submitted with the post for HPC vacancies

32. Article written for Graffoe link, with the post for HPC vacancies and sent to PC, and submitted

33. Vacancy posters added to HPC Facebook page and Harmston Community Page

34. Proposed Blacksmiths Lane closures shared via website, HPC Facebook page and Harmston Community Page

35. Planning Portal updated

36. SpID device collected and awaiting installation

37. Email sent to PC Roberts re resident concerns

38. Jenny Bailey at NKDC contacted re dog litter collections

39. Contact made with Jo Horn re event with HMH & Church, HPC notified of event

40. Playground Inspection report shared with PC

41. Playground Inspection report read, and actions highlighted

42. Launch of NK Lottery attended virtually

43. Purple bin update added to website, HPC Facebook page and Harmston Community Page

44. Road closure notice added to website, HPC Facebook page and Harmston Community Page

45. Cheque book balanced

46. LIVES paid

47. Donation made to Flag Fest for £100.00 (as agreed in July meeting)

48. Launch of NK Lottery added to website, HPC Facebook page and Harmston Community Page

49. Church lane complaints responded to and shared with PC

Item 38 was discussed. The map from NKDC shows 4 bins, Cllr Norman to check the location of the 2nd bin on Harmston Park Avenue. Clerk to look into the costs of additional bins. ACTION: Clerk to calculate costs of new bins


a) To consider the Financial Report for 2021 to date Councillors reviewed the report which was all in order

b) HPC Financial Report for September 2021 Clerk to investigate why the litter picking fee has not been received yet. Clerk to complete tax ACTION: Clerk to check litter picking fee and complete VAT refund request

Treasurers Account Balance, September meeting 2021: £27,076.52

1/8/2021 H. Jones   Clerk Salary 418.40 1006 July wages (5 weeks) 3.8.21
1/8/2021 E.On  10750 E.On Maintenance  28.16 1007 Replaced photocell 11.8.21
26/8/2021 D. West   Village Maintenance 140.00 1008 May - July 8.9.21
26/8/2021 TJ Bookkeeping 1820 Payroll 20.00 1009 Bookkeeping April - July 13.9.21
1/9/2021 H. Jones   Clerk Salary 334.72 1010 August wages (4 wks) 2.9.21
1/9/2021 H. Jones   Clerk Office 45.00 1011 June - August 2.9.21
1/9/2021 E.On 107739 E.On Maintenance 138.02 1012 Jul/Aug/Sept  
17/9/2021 LIVES INV-1739 Defibrilator 46.92 1013 Defib pads  
17/9/2021 Play Inspection Company 49212 Play Area 80.40 1014 Annual Inspection  
17/9/2021 Flag Fest   Subscriptions/donations 100.00 1015 Donation to Flag Fest  
17.9.2021 ICO   Subscriptions/donations 35.00 DD ICO renewal  
      Total expenditure £1386.62      


SEPT Clerk Salary £418.40 Sept (5 weeks)

d) Signatories The clerk continues to work with Lloyds to update the signatories.


a) Training – to agree and approve training expenses Clerk has requested funding and approval to attend LALC Council Procedures & Meetings course, at a cost of £27.50. The Staffing Committee have discussed with the Clerk her completing an ILCA Foundation Course, with a view to then completing the CILCA course. The courses are online. The Clerk has agreed to look into this. Cllr Wallace proposed that £250.00 be allocated for Clerk Training for the courses discussed. Cllr Norman seconded. All agreed.

b) Update from Staffing Committee Staffing Committee explained that the Clerk’s review has been carried out and notes taken


a) TREE WORKS 21/1396/TCA The Old School, School Lane

b) PLANNING 21/1139/TCA 2 Club Yard 21/1034/HOUS Green Ridge Vicarage

21/1012/HOUS School House, High Street

21/1013/LBC School House, High Street

21/1259/TCA The Bungalow, High Street

No comments to make on any of the above applications. Clerk to check School House application hasn’t closed and add ‘no comment to make’ if portal allows. ACTION: HJ to update planning portal


a) Discuss planning application Cllr Jones has spoken to residents of both neighbouring properties to the pub, and a meeting is planned with them and TAPCO to discuss the application. Feedback from the ‘Odour Report Conclusions’ suggests a vertical flue. If this isn’t effective then this should be moved 1 metre above eaves. If neither of these options work, odour control equipment will be needed.

b) Discuss options and agree actions Cllr Jones and Cllr Wallace will attend the meeting as observers, as they have been invited by TAPCO. ACTION: MJ & PW attend meeting


a) Agree upon a name and focus for the Sub-Committee The clerk has researched the formalities of a sub committee and that of a working group, and after a discussion it was agreed to wait until there are more members in the HPC to make such a decision, and that if a contentious issue arose then additional meetings could be called as and when they are needed.


a) Fence A quote has been sourced for Jacksons Round top picket fence, 1.2m high, with a 25 year warrantee, from a firm in Sleaford. £3,300 + VAT. They have suggested not to concrete posts as they will rot after 5/10 years. Clerk to look into quotes from other suppliers and gain written quotations from them all, with costs for supply and installation, and lead times. Clerk to share with all HPC. ACTION: HJ gain quotes, HJ share quotes with PC

Cllr Norman has spoken to Mr Sowerby who has confirmed he can longer provide any funds for the fence, nor does he have any materials. He is also unwilling to provide anything towards the play area. He did however suggest a fencer (B Knight) and supplier (Eastfield Joinery), but he is unable to provide any funds for these costs. ACTION: IN to share contacts with HJ

b) Grass Cutting Clerk to contact HPA Management for a quote for their lawn cutting service to cut the play area grass. Clerk to make an advert for litter picking, for 1 hour per week. ACTION: Clerk to gain quote for strimming around the paly area equipment and grass cutting with thin the fenced area grass cutting, and make ad for litter picking 

c) HPC Contribution It was proposed that as the HPC has taken on all the costs of the Play Area, that the £500 contribution be put into a fund annually in preparation for play area replacements. Proposed by Cllr Jones, and seconded by Cllr Wallace, and all in agreement.

d) Parking There have been no further complaints re parking near the play area. The PC will continue to monitor this over the following 6 months. ACTION: ALL Monitor parking at the play area.

e) Sign In line with the most recent play area inspection the new sign needs to have contact details included. It was agreed that the Clerk email be the most appropriate. The HPA noticeboard is in a state of disrepair. It was suggested that it be relocated adjacent to the new play area, as this would be seen by more.

f) Christmas Tree A new living Christmas tree is to be sourced, and the bench bought in honour of the past Chair could be located here. Clerk to contact Mr Edgar regarding bench and plaque. Date agreed 4th December for Christmas event (pending checks with HMH) ACTION: MJ to Investigate living trees, HJ to contact IE

13/9 SpID

a) Device Installation The Clerk now has the device, instructions and permission. New brackets are needed. Cllr Jones to source. ACTION: HJ to clear memory, MJ to source and install brackets

14/9 WELL

a) Consider current condition and agree plan of action It was agreed that a building contractor was required, and the Clerk source two quotes. ACTION: HJ to gain 2 quotes


a) Feedback from the event The event was a great success and the flags are a lovely quality.

b) Village Sign The sign is now erected, and has been added to the HPC insurance. We have been asked to source bulbs for under it. The Clerk has enquired about funding. ACTION: HJ to source bulbs


a) To consider location of planters It was agreed that bulbs could be planted in different locations as opposed to planters and plants that would require watering. Bulbs will be needed for near the new village sign, at the view point and around the play area fence.

b) Budget Cllr Jones proposed a budget of £200.00 for bulbs, Cllr Wallace seconded, and it was agreed by all.

c) Agree action The Clerk is to source bulbs for all locations within the budget agreed. ACTION: HJ to source


a) Discuss next steps Cllr Wallace has suggested that assistance be requested from our District and County Councillors to help find a solution. At least 6 residents have requested allotments. The PC have reached out to local landowners who are unable to help. ACTION: HJ to write to CC and DC


a) Bench

b) Christmas Tree

c) Christmas events (Christmas tree event/salvation army, nominate a neighbour)

d) Play Area Sign/Noticeboards

e) Street Lights


The next meeting will be Tuesday 16th November 2021 at the Memorial Hall, Harmston

There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.39pm

Chair: Date:

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at a future Parish Council meeting.