November 2019 Notes

Notes of the Meeting of Harmston Parish Council held in the Harmston Memorial Hall, School Lane, Harmston on Tuesday 19th November 2019 at 7.30pm

PRESENT: Cllr John Martin-Hoyes (Chair), Cllr M Jones (Vice-Chair), Cllr I Edgar, Cllr P Wallace, Cllr M Shepherd (See item 91)

Also present: Hayley Keeling (Clerk), DCllr Lucille Hagues


No questions had been received at this time.


Apologies were received from Cllr B Hamiltion – Reasons accepted.


Cllr P Wallace declared an interest on item 12 Allotments. He is a member of The Harmston Allotment Interest Group.


It was proposed by Cllr M Jones, seconded by Cllr P Wallace and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 17th of September 2019 to be approved.


To take nominations and votes for the existing councillor vacancies (2 vacancies). One applicant has applied.

It was proposed by Cllr P Wallace & seconded by Cllr I Edgar and it was RESOLVED that Mr Mark Shepherd be co-opted as a Cllr. Mr M Shepherd signed the Declaration of Acceptance, the clerk countersigned & Mr M Shepherd joined the meeting as Cllr M Shepherd.

The Register of Members Interests form & GDPR Security Compliance Checklist will be issued & must be returned within 28 days.

Action: HK



i) Local Police – No representatives were in attendance. The letter inviting PC Hansen to the meeting has received no response. It was noted that PC Hansen is currently off sick & due to retire at the end of the year and so the letter should now be sent to his superiors.

Action: HK

ii) The police report has been received; during the period of the 17th of September 2019 & the 18th of November 2019 there has been one burglary & one attempted burglary within the village. Circulated to all. Also within the surrounding villages numerous reports have been received for theft from vehicles / vans / garages with regards to tools / bikes etc. They all seem to be between 11pm – 4am. Circulated to all.

b) District Councillors – DCllr Lucille Hagues gave a brief report on the final call for Household Enquiry Forms or any individual who has been sent an Invitation to Register for to ensure inclusion on the revised Electoral Register. The deadline for new voters is midnight Tuesday 26th November. Details have been posted on the noticeboards and on the PC website. Dcllr Lucille Hagues also reported that NKDC’s environmental Health team have been rated 100/100 by for publishing reports in good time & keeping data up to date. The September news report & recent repair list for works this month from DCllr Marianne Overton has been circulated.

c) County Councillor – No representatives were present.


a) A complaint has been received through Hykeham Police Station regarding dogs being let off their leads & worrying horses along the Vicarage Lane public footpath. Signs stating dogs must be on a lead have been ordered & Cllr J Martin-Hoyes will have them placed along the footpath. The resident who initially complained has been contacted. Hykeham Police are happy this has been dealt with.

b) The clerk has introduced herself to DCllr Marianne Overton for correspondence.

c) The latest LALC & NALC newsletters have been received & forwarded to all.

d) A new printer for the PC along with McAfee antivirus & stationary supplies have been purchased with petty cash – see item 94d for petty cash report.

e) The PC laptop displays warning messages that it will soon require a new battery. This should be considered in the budget.

f) The defibrillator cost cannot be reclaimed as we have not paid LIVES yet. Awaiting an invoice.

g) The litter picking grant from NKDC for 2019/2020 has been received.

h) The petty cash will need reconciling to £200 to allow for the mulled wine, mince pies etc for the Christmas lights switch on.

i) The Salvation Army has been booked for the 7th of December to play at 6pm. Cheque to sign for donation.

j) Christmas lights – details for unmetered supply have been sent to WPD

k) Cllr M Jones has ordered the village Christmas tree.

l) Christmas light switch on details have been circulated in Harmston Matters, Graffoe Link & the PC website.

m) The ‘Notice of Conclusion of Audit’ from AGAR has been published on the PC website & displayed in the village notice boards for the required amount of time. Findings to be considered.

n) Street Lighting:

Repair made on School Lane – Invoiced & paid. Awaiting repair on Vicarage Lane.

o) The litter picker has agreed to provide a more detailed report (hours/location etc) with his monthly invoices.


a) To note balance as at 19/11//2019

Treasurers Account £17,895.13
Uncleared payments:

Nov19min table1

Income received (included in balances): £141.33

NKDC Litter picking grant 2019/2020 £141.33

Income received (excluded in balances): nil

b) To Note payments made between meetings:

Nov19min table2Nov19min table3

c) To note Payments made on 19/11/2019

Nov19min table4

d) The petty cash report for September/October.

A new printer was purchased for the PC at £84.97.

The renewal of McAfee antivirus was £19.99.

£12.32 has been spent on office supplies.

A cheque for £117.28 is required to reconcile the petty cash back to £200.

e) The annual external audit will correct itself when submitted next year. The fixed assets have been completed incorrectly.

f) The preliminary budget for 2020-2021 was agreed to take into consideration the purchasing and fitting of a picket fence around the play park area. Cllr M Jones will look into approximate costing and a decision will be made at the next meeting as to whether this will proceed. Maintenance costs of the fence and the newly separated area which will need strimming during the months of March – October will have to be taken into consideration.

Action: MJ

It was agreed £500 should be allocated towards a new laptop.

Cllr P Wallace noted that Section 137 (4) (a) of the Local Government Act 1972 (the 1972 Act) for parish & town councils in England for 2020-21 and the number of residents on the electoral role will need confirming for the final precept.

Action: HK

Should an allotment area be agreed this should be taken into consideration for the preliminary budget.

g) An invoice for the defibrillator will be requested.

Acion: IE



a) 19/1391/TCA - T1 Ash Fell – The Old Garth Chapel Lane Harmston

b) 19/1392/TCA – T1 Norway Spruce Fell T2/T3 Cherry Fell – Pendle Blacksmiths Lane Harmston


The following planning applications were received:

c) 19/1308/HOUS Cliff View Station Road Harmston

The following planning decisions were noted:

d) 19/0989/FUL Lodge Farm Heath Road Coleby – Approved

e) 19/0893/HOUS Winnel School Lane Harmston – Approved

f) 19/0585/HOUS Bottom House Chapel Lane Harmston – Amended

g) 19/1308/HOUS Cliff View Station Road Harmston - Approved

h) 19/1391/TCA - T1 Fell – The Old Garth Chapel Lane Harmston - Approved

19/1392/TCA – T1 Norway Spruce Fell T2/T3 Cherry Fell – Pendle Blacksmiths Lane Harmston - Approved


An independent odour report has been instructed which will be submitted in a few weeks. The applicant has submitted one, however NKDC has instructed an independent company. Cllr M Jones will meet with the planning officer when the odour report is returned. Any concerns with the report will result in the application going to committee. It was agreed Cllr M Jones will liase with DCllr Lucille Hagues.

Action: MJ


a) Cllr P Wallace & Cllr I Edgar will submit the locations to Dave Mitchell. He would like the complete form submitting again with new clerk’s details, SID placement & Insurance details. Insurance details have been sent to Stacey Knowles and Dave Mitchell.

Action: PW, IE

b) The Cliff Cluster speed indicator device has been ordered. DCllr Marianne Overton has sent provisional SID placements to Stacey Knowles at BBH. She has requested one on Church Lane half way from the A607 to the bend by Church & Vicarage Lane, half way down between the houses & the main road. The second one is requested on the A607 outside Harmston to reduce speeding as people approach the lights from Lincoln.

DCllr Marianne Overton is attending a public meeting in Welbourn in November where comments on suggested locations will be fed back.

The device will be shared between each village & will remain for 2 weeks before moving to the next village.

c) No residents were present to report on traffic & speeding within the village.

d) It was agreed to write to a resident regarding reported damage to their vehicle & parking within the village to encourage them to report any damage to the police. A designated parking area has kindly been offered by Cllr J Martin-Hoyes.

Action: HK


a) It was noted a breakdown in communication has arisen between the PC and the village sign committee. The sign has been commissioned in African Mahogany although previously item 76 states that the donation of 25% of the cost of the sign(s) up to a maximum of £1000 would only be made in the sign(s) were commissioned out of English Oak. The Cllrs expressed their disappointment that although Item 67 states all decisions should be brought to the PC meeting for consideration at a full council meeting, the PC had not been shown the final design or received any communication since the donation was agreed. The PC doesn’t agree that the final design shows a true representation of the village. The church roof is not an accurate colour & the resounding features of the village of the cliff edge & the agricultural history have not been added.

b) It was questioned as to whether the donation should still be contributed as the previous agreements in place have not been adhered to. Cllr P Wallace proposed & it was RESOLVED that a vote should be taken to uphold the initial agreement of the donation.

For: 2
Against: 1
Abstained: 2

Therefore the resolution PASSED.

It was agreed the PC would not send their details directly to the sign maker for payment. The village sign committee should receive the invoice and the donation will be made.


a) Cllr P Wallace has met with a landowner to look at an area of land that has the potential to be used for allotments. At this moment in time there are technical issues which prevent the PC from moving forwards to lease the land. There may be other options which can be investigated and should these be agreed, Cllr P Wallace is happy to complete a training course in the provision & running of allotments. It was agreed the PC would place an advert in the Graffoe Link for land to lease to be used as allotments. An advert will be drafted for approval.

Action: PW, HK.


a) It was agreed the memorial bench should be placed near the play park and fixed to the floor.

b) It was agreed the wording for the plaque should read, ‘In memory of the chair of Harmston Parish Council Frances’

It was agreed the plaque should be ordered.



HLM Property Management have raised concerns over the lack of a fence around the play area. It was agreed Cllr M Jones would look into the costing of buying and fitting a fence. It was agreed that the fencing required would be 100m in total. A 25m square including one double gate. This will be considered for the 2020-21 budget and a decision will be made at the next meeting as to whether this will proceed. Maintenance costs of the fence and the newly separated area which will need strimming during the months of March – October will have to be taken into consideration.

Action: MJ, HK


It was proposed by Cllr P Wallace, seconded by Cllr M Jones & it was RESOLVED to adopt NALC Model Standing Orders 2018. These will published on the PC website for reference.

Action: HK


Cllr P Wallace attended the latest meeting & noted:

a) Speed indicator device – waiting for Highways to confirm location for Harmston There was an update on Events past – The Cliff Villages Carnival received good feedback and photos are available on Facebook. The Cluster can potentially support other future events in the area if approached.

Policing & Health Local Services – the lack of a police presence within the Cliff Villages area.

Should the piggery application go to committee, Harmston PC can send a representative to speak on behalf of our council.

b) It was mentioned PC Hanson is off work sick and is looking to retire at the end of this year. BBH Police station is to be closed with staff moving to North Hykeham.

Concern was raised by the Chairman about some doctors surgeries closing in Lincolnshire, with our own (Waddington and or Navenby) being a possible threat in the future.


a) Budget & precept for 2020/21 to be finalised in accordance with NKDC’s timetable.

Action: HK


The next meeting will be Tuesday 21st January 2020, 7:30pm at Harmston Memorial Hall.


a) It was noted by Cllr J Martin-Hoyes that large potholes have appeared due to concrete spillages. One is 200m from the bottom of Harmston Hill & the other is between the two bends on Harmston Hill. The clerk is to report these on

Action: HK

There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.28pm