July 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Harmston Parish Council held in the Harmston Memorial Hall, School Lane, Harmston on Tuesday, 16 July 2019 at 7.30 pm

PRESENT: Cllr John Martin-Hoyes (Chair), Cllr I Edgar, Cllr B Hamilton, Cllr P Wallace (see minute 60).

Also present: Ruth Keillar (Clerk). DCllr Lucille Hagues and DCllr Marianne Overton.

2 members of the Public.


Two members of public present gave a brief overview of the progress made by a group of residents wishing to commission and erect a bespoke village sign and to request that the PC give due consideration to contributing funding to the project.

It was agreed to discuss the options further at agenda item 11 (see minute 66)


Apologies were received from Cllr M Jones (Vice-Chair), reasons accepted.


None received.


It was proposed by Cllr I Edgar, seconded by Cllr B Hamilton and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 21 May 2019 to be approved.


To take nominations and votes for the existing councillor vacancies (3 vacancies). One applicant had applied.

It was proposed by Cllr B Hamilton, seconded by Cllr I Edgar and it was RESOLVED that Mr Paul Wallace be co-opted as a Cllr. Mr P Wallace signed the Declaration of Acceptance, the Clerk countersigned and Mr P Wallace joined the meeting as Cllr P Wallace.

The Register of Members Interests form and GDPR Security Compliance Checklist were issued and must be returned within 28 days.



a) Local Police – No representatives were in attendance. The police report had been received; during the period 22nd May 2019 to 17th July 2019 there has been no reported crime.

b) District Councillors – DCllr Lucille Hagues gave a brief verbal report outlining the proposed new cinema/retail complex in Sleaford. DCllr Marianne Overton reported that the Local Plan is open for comment with a closing date of 18 July. She invited Cllrs to attend a meeting the following evening where more information will be available. DCllr Marianne Overton agreed to investigate the costs of the new cinema project versus sport/activities for young people.

Action: MO

c) County Councillor – None present. CCllr R Oxby had submitted a written report which had been circulated and posted onto the PC website.

62 (item blank)


a) Correspondence received from a resident regarding planning application

19/0585/HOUS Bottom House Chapel Lane Harmston. Circulated to all.

b) Ground / drains clearance undertaken by the village Keeper. See email images). Cost of £10.

c) NKDC Monitoring Officer Email re Register of Members Interests still outstanding. Cllr I Edgar provided his RoMI. Cllr M Jones to follow.

Action: MJ

d) RAF Benevolent Fund, request to promote the service (posted to website).

e) NKDC – offer for the Chair of NKDC to attend any PC/Community events

f) Job Centre – request to post link to website. (posted to website).

g) Local Plan consultation – circulated to all.

h) Correspondence from DCllr Lucille Hagues re a complaint about the condition of the village and a lack of Chair/Clerk (circulated to all).

i) NKDC Electoral Review Briefings. The Clerk is attending this on 22 July.

j) Play Area Repeat Inspections. Annual: £57.50 excl VAT Operational: £52.50 excl VAT per visit (circulated to all). It was agreed that the service for the next year be confirmed.

Action: Clerk

k) NKDC VE Day celebrations information (circulated to all).

l) Correspondence regarding the Village Signs (circulated to all)

m) NKDC – Waste and duty of Care. Info regarding fly tipping (posted to website)

n) Defibrillator has been ordered from LIVES. (28 May 2019). To be delivered by LIVES.

o) LALC Newsletter hard copy is increasing to £6 per year. It was agreed that no hard copy is required, the newsletter will continue to be received electronically and circulated to all.

p) LCC Highways have submitted information regarding road closures, 28 July, for a Cycle Race. Part of the route affects the Harmston area. The details have been posted to the PC website.

Action: Clerk

q) NKDC has circulated the new Code of Conduct which PCs are invited to adopt. It was agreed that the PC adopt the CoC, copy to be posted to PC website.


a) To note balance as at 16/07/2019

Treasurers Account £21,762.74
Uncleared payments:
E-On, inv 091620. Cheque 893 £138.02
LCC, LRSP. Cheque 985 £40.00
Citizens Advice Mid Lincs. Cheque 896 £50.00
B Knight & Son Ltd Cheque 898 £482.40

Income received (included in balances): nil
Income received (excluded in balances): nil

b) To Note payments made between meetings:

Jul19min table1

c) To note Payments made on 16/07/19

Jul19min table2

d) Bank Mandate

Following the May elections, the bank mandate has only two Cllrs (Cllr J Martin-Hoyes and Cllr I Edgar). It is suggested that a third person be added. Bank correspondence etc is currently received by Cllr J Martin-Hoyes at his home address.

A new cheque book had not been received as HMRC will be issued for authorisation upon receipt of the replacement book.

e) Audit

Correspondence has been received from the external auditor, with some queries regarding the statement. The RFO will investigate and report at the next meeting.


It was proposed by Cllr B Hamilton, seconded by Cllr P Wallace and it was RESOLVED that the following policies and procedures be re-adopted and published onto the PC website:

Data Map, Data Breach Policy, Data Protection Policy, GDPR Security Compliance Checklist, General Privacy Notice, Parish Cllrs Consent From, Public Consent From, Privacy Notice for Staff and Cllrs, Records Retention Policy, Subject Access Request Procedure.

All Cllrs were requested to complete the Parish Cllrs Consent From. Completed forms were received from Cllrs Edgar, Hamilton and Wallace. Cllr J Martin-Hoyes form to follow.

Action: JMH


a) To receive any updates on the purchase, location and installation.

The defibrillator was delivered to the VH during the meeting, by LIVES. The positioning of the unit at the VH is tbc. It was agreed that the VH management group arrange installation and the costs be invoiced to the PC.

b) Cllr B Hamilton volunteered to be the portfolio holder for the Defibrillator, responsible for the checking and reporting as required.



a) Cllr B Hamilton reported that he had attended a meeting of the group involved with the project. The comments made during the public session were further discussed.

It was proposed by Cllr I Edgar, seconded by Cllr P Wallace and it was RESOLVED by majority vote that Cllr B Hamilton be given permission to act on behalf of the PC at meetings of the group, on the basis that any decisions be brought to the PC meeting for consideration at full council meeting.

Action: BH

b) It was proposed by Cllr I Edgar, seconded by Cllr B Hamilton and it was RESOLVED by majority vote that a donation of 25% of the cost of the sign(s) be made, up to a maximum of £1000 only if the sign(s) are commissioned out of English Oak not African Ebony.

c) Location is still tbc.

d) As previously noted, LCC Highways will require a map showing the proposed location prior to approval. It was agreed that the Clerk liaise with LCC Highways as an intermediary for the Group.

e) It was noted that the cost of the donation be taken into account when agreeing the Precept for 2020-2021.


Tree Works



a) The following planning applications were received:

19/0585/HOUS Bottom House Chapel Lane Harmston. Comments by 24 June. This application was due for comment between meetings, however the PC were unable to call an extra-ordinary meeting in time to resolve to comment. The Vice-Chair, Cllr M Jones, submitted a comment on behalf of the PC and the PC is requested to consider ratifying this comment. It was proposed by Cllr I Edgar, seconded by Cllr B Hamilton and it was RESOLVED that the submitted comment be retrospectively ratified by the PC.

i. that this planning application comment be retrospectively ratified.

ii. LCC REFERENCE: PL/0117/19

DEVELOPMENT: To retain a mobile pole mounted CCTV Unit. No Comment.
LOCATION: Harmston Quarry, Tower Lane, Harmston.
GRID REFERENCE: 499168 361902.

b) The following planning decisions were noted:


c) Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Review – Issues and Options Consultation and Call for Sites.

The PC is requested to consider this plan and comment by 18 July. It was noted that that representatives from the PC may attend a meeting arranged by DCllr Marianne Overton, 17 July.


a) Speedwatch Scheme:

As agreed at minute 53 a), the PC has signed up to the LCC LRSP Speedwatch Scheme. The £40 fee included x6 speed signs.

b) The follow up documentation requires that the PC identify where they wish to locate the signs and what speed they wish to show.

c) The local group of volunteers were not in attendance and it was noted that to progress the project to the next stage, volunteers are required. (see minute 53 a))

d) It was agreed that a letter be sent to the following persons: BBH Police, Chief constable, Police Commissioner, Home Secretary, Local MP, NKDC, LCC, DCllrs Overton and Hagues. A draft will be submitted to the Clerk for Despatch.





The next meeting will be Tuesday 17th September 2019, 7:30pm at Harmston Memorial Hall.

72 To resolve whether to exclude the public and press for consideration of the following confidential matters.

Should this resolution be passed, members of the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

It was proposed by Cllr J Martin-Hoyes, seconded by Cllr I Edgar and it was RESOLVED that the following item be considered in Closed Session.

The Cllrs requested that this be discussed without the Clerk present and the Clerk left the meeting at 9:32pm

a) Staffing Matters

It was noted that that the Clerk had resigned from the post and would be leaving on 26 July. The post had been advertised on the LALC website, the PC website and the Village Notice board.

Qty 3 CV’s were reviewed for the position of Parish Clerk. It was agreed to request the Harmston Memorial Hall (HMH) send out a notice of vacancy, to their email distribution group, for the Parish Clerk post and also for the 2 remaining councillor positions. Cllr I Edgar agreed to contact a member of the HMH committee to make this request.

There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 10:00pm