September 2019 Notes

Notes of the Meeting of Harmston Parish Council held in the Harmston Memorial Hall, School Lane, Harmston on Tuesday 17th September 2019 at 7.30 pm


PRESENT: Cllr John Martin-Hoyes (Chair), Cllr M Jones (Vice-Chair), Cllr I Edgar, Cllr P Wallace.

Also present: Hayley Keeling (Clerk – See item 86d)

11 members of the Public.


Mr Mottram gave a brief overview of planning application 19/0989/FUL Lodge Farm Heath Road Coleby Lincoln Lincolnshire LN5 0AR. The conversion of a barn into a café/restaurant. It would be a two storey building with 100 people seating capabilities. (Indoor & outdoor seating) Local produce would be used and local people would be employed. Cllr John Martin Hoyes enquired if the café/restaurant would be open 7 days a week. Initially working days would be Wednesday – Sunday with potential to be open more in future. Mr Mottram noted they have applied for a Licence to serve until 11pm so private parties can be catered for. Cllr M Jones noted it was a good location for passing trade and the Parish Council would look favourably upon the use of local produce & employment. No objections were received.

A number of residents raised concerns over planning application 19/1085/FUL Pig Fattening Unit. The neighbouring property owners raised concerns about the devaluation of their property due to odour, flies & vermin.

The business opposite the proposed site (Black Cat Travel) voiced several concerns, firstly about the additional traffic and unsuitable access. It was noted that LCC Highways Department has commented on this and made recommendations. Secondly they have contracts with LCC providing SEN Transport. There are concerns regarding the odour in the fabric and loss of business. Several of the students are autistic and others have severe allergic reactions so would their company still be considered suitable if the application is agreed? They currently employ 30 Local people. The pig fattening unit will be run by an outside company providing no local employment.

The welfare of the animals was also raised. The standard of living provided borders on commercial rather than agricultural. The residents raised concerns about protesters.

Cllr M Jones is working on a draft paper pulling together the comments from this meeting and the meeting held on the 11th of September 2019 about the planning application.

Residents were encouraged to comment individually on the NKDC planning portal. The Parish Council will raise an objection detailing concerns and focusing on the planning element and proximity to the village. There will be a substantial effect on the landscape. The deadline for residents to comment on the application is the 20th of September 2019.

A resident of Blacksmith Lane commented that traffic through the village is getting worse not better. He has personally complained to the crime commissioner. Concerns are that the situation will worsen upon completion of the Eastern Bypass. The timing on the lights is causing a build up of traffic which can be seen while driving up the hill causing vehicles to cut through the village to avoid this. Previously the offending drivers have been given warnings. The question of how many convictions have been made was asked.

It was requested that a letter was sent inviting PC Hansen to the next Parish Council meeting.

Action: HK


Apologies were received from DCllr Lucille Hagues and DCllr Marianne Overton.

Cllr B Hamiltion also sent his apologies – Reasons accepted.


Cllr P Wallace declared an interest on item 9A Allotments.

He is a member of The Harmston Allotment Interest Group.


It was previously not minuted in item 67B that the donation of 25% of the cost of the sign(s) up to a maximum of £1000 would only be made if the sign(s) were commissioned out of English Oak not African Ebony. This was proposed by Cllr I Edgar & seconded by Cllr P Wallace.

It was proposed by Cllr I Edgar, seconded by Cllr P Wallace and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 16th of July 2019 to be approved with the above amendment.


To take nominations and votes for the existing councillor vacancies (2 vacancies).

One resident has submitted an interest since the previous meeting.

One of the members of public attending the Public Question Time expressed an interest and will email the clerk should they require more details.


a) Local Police – No representatives were in attendance. The police report had been received; during the period of the 17th of July 2019 & the 16th of September 2019 there has been no reported crime.

b) District Councillors – No representatives were present. The September news report from DCllr Marianne Overton has been circulated.

c) County Councillor – No representatives were present.


The position of clerk has been vacant from the 26th of July 2019. Therefore for this meeting a clerk’s report has not been produced.


a) To note balance as at 17/09/2019

Treasurers Account £20,282.49

Uncleared payments: nil
Income received (included in balances): nil
Income received (excluded in balances): nil

b) To Note payments made between meetings:

Sep19min table1

All Cllrs agreed the village maintenance should be documented more thoroughly and more detailed invoices should be provided.

Action: HK

c) To note Payments made on 17/09/19

Sep19min table2

A new printer for the parish council & office supplies are to be replenished. Cllrs agreed to renew petty cash back up to £200.00.

Action: HK

d) Bank Mandate

The bank mandate has only two Cllrs (Cllr J Martin-Hoyes and Cllr I Edgar). It is agreed that Cllr M Jones be added. Bank correspondence etc is currently received by Cllr J Martin-Hoyes at his home address. A new cheque book has now been received.

e) Audit

Having contacted PKF Littlejohn LLP at present all queries have been resolved and the engagement lead is reviewing the file.


a) The defibrillator has been installed & fitted on the VH & is fully operational.

b) A training course has been provided and attended by residents. During which it was noted that the residents of Harmston Park would like a Defibrillator on the other side of the village.

c) On completion of the fitting of the defibrillator, the PC can now claim the grant which was agreed with Mark Foster.

Action: HK


a) It was previously not minuted in item 67B that the donation of 25% of the cost of the sign(s) up to a maximum of £1000 would only be made if the sign(s) were commissioned out of English Oak not African Ebony. This was proposed by Cllr I Edgar & seconded by Cllr P Wallace. See item 76.

b) It was noted that Cllr B Hamilton will update on progress at the next meeting.


a) It was noted that 6 residents have written to express an interest in the provision of an allotment & there are now 14 members of the ‘Harmston Allotment Interest Group.’ The PC therefore has a duty to take proceedings to enquire as to how land may be obtained.

b) Concerns were raised over several points including if the land was acquired, would it ever be required back? The provision of water supply & the aesthetics of an allotment garden. It was agreed that should the land be acquired; a tenancy agreement would state which sheds / fences etc were allowed and the agreed dimensions.

c) The idea of a communal garden was raised as an alternative, which was suggested could be placed at the orchard near the playpark.


Tree Works



a) The following planning applications were received:

19/1085/FUL Pig Fattening Unit A meeting was held on the 11th of September 2019 with regards to this planning application due to the volume of concerns raised. Residents have been encouraged to comment individually on the NKDC planning portal. Please see the concerns raised by the residents during the open forum. (Item 73)

Cllr M Jones is working on a draft paper pulling together the comments from this meeting and the meeting held on the 11th of September 2019 about the planning application as well as all complaints received through the PC’s email address.. The PC will raise an objection detailing concerns and focusing on the planning element and proximity to the village. There will be a substantial effect on the protected landscape. The deadline for residents to comment on the application is the 20th of September 2019.

Action: MJ

19/0585/HOUS Bottom House Chapel Lane Harmston. A resident has raised concerns that the proposed extension is to be used as a separate dwelling. The Vice-Chair, Cllr M Jones has already submitted a comment on behalf of the PC by the deadline of the 24th of June. The resident has raised their concerns on the NKDC Planning Portal. Should this be accurate, a separate application would have to be submitted.


a) Speedwatch Scheme:

As agreed at minute 53 a), the PC has signed up to the LCC LRSP Speedwatch Scheme. The £40 fee included x6 speed signs.

b) The follow up documentation requires that the PC identify where they wish to locate the signs and what speed they wish to show. The brackets are a permanent fixture and so their placement is to be considered by a sub committee consisting of Cllr I Edgar & Cllr P Wallace.

Action: IE, PW


a) It was agreed Cllr P Wallace would represent the PC at CC Meetings as & when he can attend.

Action: PW


a) Cllr M Jones will enquire into prices for the village Christmas tree.

Action: MJ

b) The clerk will book the Salvation Army Brass Band for Saturday 7th December 2019.

Action: HK

c) Budget & precept for 2020/21 to be considered in accordance with NKDC’s timetable.


The next meeting will be Tuesday 19th November 2019, 7:30pm at Harmston Memorial Hall.


a) It was proposed by Cllr J Martin-Hoyes, seconded by Cllr M Jones and it was RESOLVED that Hayley Keeling be appointed the role of Clerk.

b) It was agreed that Cllr M Jones would oversee the issuing and signing of the Contract of Employment.

Action: MJ

There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.05pm