Setting up a Community Speed Watch

As part of the range of strategies we are investigating and utilising to tackle the issues of speed, volume and size of vehicles in Harmston, there is one method that needs you - our residents.
Along with some of our Parish Councillors, we need some volunteers to be part of a Community Speed Watch group who will recieve training, and then will help at various times to collate data and record the speed of traffic through Harmston.
This scheme is run by the Lincolnshire Road Saftey Partnership, supported by local Poilce.
It will involve some of your time, in small amounts, periodically.
If this is something you would be interested in volunteering for, please contact to register your interest.
Please also follow this link to see the document that explain this process in detail
The data recieved from this scheme will hopefully help us to illustrate why more resources are needed to address the traffic issues.
Update 14.10,23
We have now completed our training and have completed our first Community Speedwatch.