Traffic in Harmston

Traffic in Harmston is a long standing issue, and something the Parish Council have worked hard to address for many years.
We monitor the traffic and appreciate it has worsened in recent years.
We are working closely with Cllr Carrington, Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and NKDC to address the issues of traffic - its speed, volume, and size of vehicles.
Previous initiatives have included:
- Speed signs on wheelie bins
- Road markings on Church Lane (recently updated)
- Resident traffic monitoring
- Police speed checks
- Liaising with RAF Waddington
- Liaising with loal police
- Liaising with local councillors
- Liaising Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership
- Joining the shared SpID scheme
- Permission sought and granted for white gates
As always we appreciate your support and input. If you have anything you would like to share with the PC regarding traffic concerns, then please email or attend one of our meetings (meeting dates in link).