Speed device (SpID)

We are part of a local scheme where a SpID (speed indicator) device is shared between local villages. For so many months per year we have the opportunity to use this device.
Using the SpID on Church Lane has helped to remind drivers of the speed limit, thus seeing a reduction in speed (sadly for some, not all), and it gives us evidence to help obtain further support and resources to address the issue of traffic (speed, volume and size) through our village. It also showed the Parish Council how useful such a device was, and therefore it was decided that a device be bought purely for Harmston, so that there is a SpID working at all times.
We are mindful that the traffic issues do not just occur on Church Lane, and that the volume of the traffic passing through our village has also increased, as has some of the speed of these villages. As a result permissions and a location were sought, and a second post has been installed on Vicarage Lane.
This means we now have two points for SpID devices, and when it is our turn for the shared device, both of these posts will be in use. This will help collate data on High Street also. We have looked with the Lincolnshire Roadsafety Partnership for a location on High Street, and none were found. But we will continue to look at this.
The hope is that the data collected will help to track the traffic, and again provide evidence that measures are needed, and to also remind drivers of the speed and immediately impact the speed at which they drive.
The data is shared via our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/