March 2022 Meeting Notes

Notes of the Meeting of Harmston Parish Council

at The Memorial Hall, Harmston on Tuesday 15th March 2022 at 7.30 pm 

Present Title Role
Cllr Mark Jones Parish Councillor Chairman
Cllr Paul Wallace Parish Councillor Vice Chairman
Cllr Ian Norman Parish Councillor  
Mrs Helen Jones Clerk & RFO Clerk
Cllr Ian Carrington Councillor County Councillor
Cllr Marianne Overton Councillor District Councillor


Apologies were received from Cllr Lucille Hague


None to declare.

3/3 OPEN FORUM There were no residents in attendance


No applicants at this time. The Clerk continues to advertise the post on the PC website, and in both village noticeboards. The vacancies have also been in other local publications. It was agreed that a new advert be made to help increase interest.


Cllr Jones proposed and Cllr Norman seconded, and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 25th January 2022 were approved. The Clerk thanked Councillor Wallace for producing the minutes in her absence.


a) Local Police (PC 1293 Matt Roberts) Newsletter shared via email. More information on the Cliff Villages Policing Team, follow this link 

b) County Councillor Report shared. County Councillor Carrington shared feedback from his walk around Harmston with County Highways. He advised that as Church Lane is the Queens highway there are no legal grounds to ban HGV vehicles. Highways agrees that strategies need putting into place to address the issues. Highways have proposed a package of ideas (such as signage (narrow roads) and slow down HGV vehicles, painting road markings and adding additional signage throughout the village). This will take a few months to draft, check legalities and finances. Cllr Jones asked Cllr Carrington if funding could be made available to help with the cost of an additional SpID device.

c) District Councillor District Councillor Overton discussed the importance of The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan which focusses on issues such as housing, the economy and the environment and is under consultation. The PC are encouraged to engage with the process. The Clerk has already sent links to the PC. Changes are also being made to the Planning Committee. Previously there have been 2 committees of 21 members each. Now there will be a total of 15 Councillors in one committee, meeting every 3 weeks. 


1. HRMC log on updated and details filed

2. Format for tax refunds set up

3. Tax refunds completed for 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 (shared with PC)

4. Tax refund for 2021-2020 up to date (shared with PC)

5. Resident visited

6. Park and fence checked following storm

7. Time sheets completed for January and February and submitted

8. Meeting notes added to website and noticeboards

9. Website updated

10. Play Area safety inspection information collated and shared with PC

11. Payment for fence made

12. Soft close chased for gate

13. Dog waste bins checked

14. LALC membership paid for the year

15. Photographs of play area fence taken and sent to Mr Sowerby, as requested

16. Future meeting dates added to website, and shared with regular attendees

17. Councillor vacancies advertised again on Facebook (and remain on website and in noticeboards)

18. Litter Picking vacancy advertised via noticeboards, website and Facebook

19. APM date checked, hall booked – shared with PC and added to meeting dates

20. Planning portal updated

21. Research into street lighting in NKDC

22. NKDC contacted for advice/contact for queries regarding ownership of lighting. Awaiting reply.

23. Planning permissions, updates and outcomes shared with PC

24. Insurance policy checked

25. Payments made (see financial report)

26. Dog bin installed

27. Anti-social behaviour on Hill Top reported to NKDC via ‘report nuisance parking’. Awaiting reply.

28. SpID device ordered (awaiting details for date of delivery and invoice)

29. EON invoices checked and copied

30. Notes for meeting set up and completed

31. Filing cabinet completed

32. Play Area signs discussed with AH and shared via FB

33. Cheque book balanced against latest statement

34. New cheque book ordered and received

35. Mandate forms sent to bank

36. Prep for QPJ

37. Emails filtered, and necessary emails shared with PC

38. Filing

39. Financial Spreadsheet up to date

40. Payments to EON made

41. Emails from residents responded to

42. Forms for white gates received and completed – location pending

43. Permission obtained from Mr Sowerby for planting trees in play area and near orchard

44. Local PC Clerk liaised with regarding SpID discount

45. Local PC Clerk liaised with re lighting discounts Cllrs had no issues or comments to make.


a) To consider the Financial Overview for 2021-2022 to date (emailed) Financial Overview reviewed – no issues

b) To consider the Financial Report for March 2022 Financial Report was reviewed with no issues noted. The Clerk also asked the PC to review the VAT refund overviews (appendices 1) – the Clerk was asked to check the VAT refundable for the fence purchased 


c) Monies to be paid

Cheques were signed for pending payments.

d) Internet Banking

Cllr Norman proposed and Cllr Wallace seconded and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk set up internet banking for the PC to enable online payments (2 signatories will be retained and PC Standing orders will need updating). ACTION: Clerk to enable internet banking with two signatories and look into how to alter Standing orders to show changes TD: 30.4.22 


a) TREE WORKS 22/0193/TPO 24 Church Lane 22/0304/TPO Cockburn Way

b) PLANNING 21/1844/HOUS The Laurels, Blacksmith Lane (amended & approved) 21/1959/HOUS Chapel Stones, Blacksmiths The PC had no comments to add.


a) Citizens Advice Due to budget constraints the PC have had to limit donations this year, and therefore no donation will be made this year.

b) Lincolnshire Fieldpath Association Due to budget constraints the PC will not be subscribing this year.

c) QPJ Celebrations At the last QPJ meeting, it was suggested that the PC contribute to the village celebrations by funding and gifting a commemorative token. It was agreed that the Clerk will use email/Facebook etc to ascertain how many Primary School age children would be interested in such a gift, by parents registering their name and age with the Clerk. It was also agreed that a budget of no more than £500 be set and numbers to be collected by the end of May. ACTION: Clerk to research items and cost, to set up a register; to use adverts to ask families to register children; to use register to calculate order and costs. TD 16.5.22


a) Fence update The fence has been installed and the PC are very happy with it.

) Locks and soft close fitting The Clerk has bought a lock with two keys. The Clerk will keep one key, and the other will be issued to the grass cutting contractor. The soft close fitting is essential and covers a requirement of the Play Inspection report, but is approximately an additional £100. Cllr Norman proposed and Cllr Wallace agreed and it was RESOLVED that a soft close fitting be installed. ACTION: Clerk to instruct company to install soft close asap.

c) Provision for older children Any requests made for football goal posts need to be sent directly to the Management Company. Cllr Wallace would happily donate table tennis equipment for a group to be set up in the village, he would not however be able to run it – volunteers would be needed. ACTION: Clerk to ask HMH if the table tennis equipment could be kept at HMH. TD 1.6.22

d) Safety checks In the most recent Play Inspection report there were a few points to action. Some of the equipment needs cleaning, Cllr Norman will ask the local bin cleaner if he could jet wash the equipment. It also stresses the importance of a sign at the play area. In addition, there were a few areas that need minor repairs. ACTION: IN to organise cleaner, TD 11.4.22. ACTION: Clerk to contact PSI to ascertain if they can carry out the repairs highlighted. The need for the Clerk to instruct and pay for safety related issues was discussed. Cllr Wallace proposed, Cllr Norman seconded, and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk be given delegated approval for sums up to £150.00 for safety and any other costs.

e) Sign It was agreed that a sign needs designing, costing and making. The sign should highlight ‘No Dogs’ ACTION: Clerk to draft sign, find supplier & cost and share information with PC ahead of the next meeting, TD: 13.5.22


a) Role There has been some interest and the clerk is in the process of appointing someone to the role. Clerk has bought equipment, and will also buy a high visibility Jacket for health and safety reasons.

b) Funding (from NKDC) The Clerk has registered Harmston for the appropriate funding. E-mail: Website: 13/3 PUMP HOUSE (Well) a) Discuss quotes, and agree upon a contractor A partial quote has been received and this was discussed.


a) Update on purchase and installation Details can be found in the Clerks Report

b) Location of 5th bin Bin to be attached to an existing post on Church Lane. ACTION: Clerk to contact NKDC re installation of new bin TD: 11/4/22


a) Order update The SpID has been ordered, and the order confirmed. ACTION: Clerk to chase position of post on Vicarage Lane, and to chase Waddington for our turn of the shared device TD: 15/4/22


a) Discuss additional supporting measures (such as road markings and signs) Refer to Item 6c for details.


a) Agree site and complete forms The Clerk will complete the forms asking for permission for gates on Church Lane (near the lights and at the bottom of the hill) and Vicarage Lane. ACTION: Clerk to complete forms and submit TD: 10.4.22

b) Discuss and consider quotes and budgets There are limited funds for items not budgeted for this year. Therefore, the Clerk will submit the planning so that it is ready for when there are appropriate funds. Seeking a sponsor was discussed and the Clerk will look into this. ACTION: Clerk to seek sponsor for gates TD: 15.5.22


a) Update from the Clerk Meeting attended yesterday; the Clerk will forward the minutes once received. The QPJ Committee have requested that the PC provide Public Liability Insurance for the event on the field. ACTION: Clerk to contact insurance TD: 13.4.22 Refer to Item 10.3 for further details.


a) Discuss proposal Harmston Park Avenue has had some of its lights operating hours reduced, and it was discussed if this could be an idea for the other areas of Harmston, in order to reduce costs. There was a detailed discussion ahead of the expected prices increases and the impact that will have on the budget. It was agreed that some research was needed to be able to plan ahead, before making decisions as to how to control costs. The following points were agreed: i) Clerk to circulate electricity costs: ii) HPC members to consider what if any lights could be turned off; iii) Ascertain whether lights can be turned off for e.g., after midnight

b) Discuss working with other PCs re costs To be discussed at a later date when more information is available.


a) Update The Clerk has lodged a complaint with NKDC regarding the parking at the viewing point. No further complaints have been received from the residents. 

21/3 MATTERS TO BE RAISED AT THE NEXT MEETING The next meeting is the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and this will be reflected in the agenda which the clerk will draft. ACTION: Clerk to draft agenda TD: 18/4/22

20/1 DATE FOR NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 17th May 2022 at the Memorial Hall, Harmston

There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 10.05pm



Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at a future Parish Council meeting.