We have been asked by Cllr Overton and the Chair of Navenby Parish Council, to share the following information.

The next meeting is on October 16th, 7pm also at Navenby Venue, open to all. Hosted by Navenby Parish Council, chaired by Mike Burt, see leaflets and quote below.

The attached leaflets make the case,

Solar is not efficient in England and locks up farmland for 40-60 years on soon-outdated technology, while we pay through the nose to keep it. And the 32 acres substation?  Industrial development should be on industrial land and solar should be on roofs and wind offshore. A national strategy is needed.

Leaflet 1

Leaflet 2

Leaflet 3 


Mike Burt, Chairman of Navenby Parish Council said;

“The overwhelming majority of people who attended agree with the need for renewable energy sources, but only if they are delivered as part of a coherent government strategy that defines how much renewable energy capacity is required, and how its delivery will be split between wind, hydro, solar and nuclear to mitigate the challenges associated with each.

“Undermining the nation’s food security for many years to come by placing these huge solar complexes on good agricultural land, just because of ease of connectivity to pylons that happen to be there, already shows lazy and short-sighted thinking.

“And that is before you consider that the majority of these projects are funded by overseas investors, so there will be no cheap power for the UK residents and profits from this power generation will not be spent here.”

Cllr Marianne Overton MBE, District and County Councillor said,

“This is folly. Industry including the 32acre electricity sub-station and the associated developments need to be on industrial land. Locking up our good farmland for 40 or 60 years under soon outdated technology, while roofs and car parks lie vacant, is just daft.  Expensive long-term contracts with foreign investors mean we will be paying through the nose for years to come, having to ignore new technology and  cheaper options while money drains abroad.  New solar energy is thin as gold leaf and can be attached in or to any surface. Does it make electricity cheaper? No, paying for those contracts is expensive. UK has among the most renewable energy in the world and we pay among the highest prices.”

“We need a proper strategy, not just leave it to those who can profit in an unlimited “free for all”. There are 630,000 acres of commercial roof lying vacant. The Government needs to set a target for the next 3-5 years; all commercial roofs to be covered, all new buildings to be energy efficient and proper investment to enable householders to do the same. ”


Published: Saturday, 5th October 2024