May AMPC 2024 Meeting Notes

Notes of the Annual Meeting of Harmston Parish Council

at The Memorial Hall, Harmston, 

on Tuesday 21st May 2024 at 7.50 pm (following APM for Harmston)

Present Title Role
Cllr Paul Wallace Parish Councillor Chairman
Cllr David Harrison Parish Councillor Vice Chairman
Cllr Brian Hamilton Parish Councillor  
Cllr K Goodwin Parish Councillor  
Cllr Phil Chapman Parish Councillor  
Mrs Helen Jones Clerk & RFO Clerk & RFO
Cllr Ian Carrington Councillor County Councillor
Cllr Matthew Cooper Councillor District Councillor
Cllr Lance Pennell Councillor District Councillor
0 members of the public    


a) To appoint the Chair of the Parish Council It was RESOLVED that Cllr Wallace remain Chair (which Cllr Wallace accepted) and it was RESOLVED that Cllr Harrison remain Vice Chair (which Cllr Harrison accepted). Cllr Wallace and Cllr Harrison completed Declaration of Acceptance forms. ACTION: Clerk to submit the declaration of acceptance forms. TD: 1.6.24


Apologies were received from Cllr Sanders and PC Roberts. Reasons accepted.

3/5 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Chapman declared regarding points 11a and 11b. It was agreed that Cllr Chapman may remain in the meeting for these points and partake in discussions where appropriate, but that he would abstain from any votes regarding these points.


a) Local Police A report was received, outlining that there are no major concerns currently. (To report any illegal or antisocial incidents please phone 101. This process is essential in gathering evidence). County and district Councillors, did not speak at this time, as they had all spoken at the APM directly before this meeting. This text is directly from those meeting notes:

b) County Councillor Report Cllr Carrington explained there had been a ministerial statement re accumulative impact of solar panels (Lincoln being listed) – the impact on landscapes, use of high-grade agricultural land and reclassification of good quality land to enable solar farms. This is to try and protect the land. Renewable energy is needed, but this statement is to also help address the sheer volume being suggested. Budget has been passed at +2.9%, +2% for adult/social care. Budget in rural area has been increased by £18,000,000, which is already being spent on areas such as those which flood - deploying tankers Present  to flush out drains etc. There is an enquiry into flooding, for which Cllr Carrington is working as part of a focus group. There will be a report in September with their findings. In April 2,500 potholes were reported, 7,000 were fixed. There will be an election in 2025 for a mayor. This role will have some limited powers. Simply having a mayor brings larger budgets to the area. This will not affect the powers of Parish, County or District Councils. Planning has been submitted for battery storage sites (with one being planned for Navenby). Cllr Carrington and the Parish Council are monitoring. 

c) District Councillor Reports District Councillor Cooper shared a review of his first year. He has been part of two different committees: Resource Scrutiny and Alcohol & General License, and on a subcommittee for general license appeal. He finds the NKDC to be very professional. He wonders if some members of Harmston Young Farmers may consider thinking about getting involved – bringing some more diversity. Councillor Pennell reported that the NKDC has been progressing the Climate Emergency Action Plan. The Housing Team were nominated for a low carbon award and won – which was a fabulous achievement. Cllr Pennell is the Chair of Planning and Vice of licensing committees. It has been a busy year for planning. He pointed out that his committee only sees planning brought to the committee, not ALL planning. They continue to build and expand homes for residences, and building business properties.


t was RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 19th March 2024 were approved, and signed by the Chair.


1. New VAT Refund document established for 2024-2025

2. APM posters made and distributed. Local groups invited to share reports at APM.

3. Quote gained for Insurance X 2 and shared with PC

4. AGAR paperwork completed and shared with Chair, and then PC

5. AUDIT complete following meeting with Auditor, and paperwork shared with PC

6. Resident emails responded to, and shared with PC where appropriate

7. Community Speedwatch volunteers contacted

8. Shared SpiD located and given to Chair (SpID now in use)

9. CiLCA days 3 & 4 attended

10. Quote for year from Play Inspection Company requested (awaiting response)

11. Financial Regulations reviewed

12. Standing Orders reviewed

13. All actions carried out from March meeting

14. Update on removal of overheard cables requested & response shared

15. Dementia Support Group details shared

16. Planning portal checked

17. Arnold Baker purchased

18. Policies and documents approved at March meeting updated on website and overview

19. Data training course investigated – none available at present

20. NKDC online form completed re dog fouling

21. Website updated re dangers of dog fouling

22. King Charles portrait received


a) To consider the Financial Overview to date 2024-2025 to date (emailed) It was RESOLVED: That the Financial Review be accepted

b) To consider the Financial Report for May 2024 It was RESOLVED: That the Financial Report for May be accepted Appendices 1

c) To consider the VAT report to date, for May 2024 It was RESOLVED: That the VAT Report to date, be accepted Appendices 3

d) Monies to be paid It was RESOLVED: that the Clerk make these payments Appendices 2

e) AGAR review and approve as appropriate:

i) Internal Audit – consider and note any actions Auditor confirmed that the HPC is correct in its endeavours to maintain a reserve of 75-100% of the precept. It was agreed that a staffing committee be established following the Auditor’s advice. Chair will carry out Clerk reviews. ACTION: Clerk to add Staffing Committee to next meeting’s Agenda, TD: 1.7.24

ii) AGAR section 1 – Annual governance Statement – consider the statements and decide a yes or no for each It was RESOLVED: That the Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Return for the Financial year ended 31.3.24 be accepted, approved and signed by the Chairman

iii) AGAR section 2 – Accounting statements – consider the document and confirm its approval It was RESOLVED: That the Annual Accounting Statements of the Annual Return for the financial year ended 31.3.24 be accepted, approved and signed by the Chairman

iv) Exemption certificate – a separate resolution should be made to confirm it meets the criteria for exemption It was RESOLVED: That the Certificate of Exemption – AGAR 2022/23 Form 2 for the financial year ended 31.3.24 – be accepted, approved and signed by the Chairman

All documents were signed by the Clerk/RFO and Chair where needed, and the Clerk explained that all documents would be made available via the HPC website in accordance with the AGAR guidelines It was RESOLVED: That the recommended dates for public rights inspection 3rd June to 12th July 2024 be accepted.



b) PLANNING 24/0477/HOUS It was RESOLVED: That Harmston Parish Council has no comment to make. PL/0087/23 Land between A46 Hykeham roundabout and A15 Sleaford It was RESOLVED that the Clerk use the powers from the Standing Orders to update the planning portal between meetings, to ensure deadlines are not missed. ACTION: Clerk to share Planning Application with PC stating a closing date for feedback. Clerk will then update portal if responses are unanimous. TD: ongoing

9/5 POLICIES AND DOCUMENTS a) Approve standing orders It was RESOLVED: that the £250.00 designated authority remains for the Clerk, and the Standing Orders as presented by the Clerk were approved. ACTION: Clerk to make changes to Standing Orders on the PC website where needed, TD: 1.7.24

b) Approve Financial Regulations It was RESOLVED: that Financial Regulations be altered to state that the Clerk and 1 other can authorise payments. For amounts exceeding £1500, two signatories will be required. A second signatory will be contacted via email for approval. A note will be made and added to the next scheduled PC meeting to note in the minutes that the expense was agreed. ACTION: Clerk to update Financial Regulations, TD: 1.7.24. ACTION: New protocol to be adopted, TD: 1.7.24


a) Discuss and agree current payments and additional suggestions

It was RESOLVED that the Clerk renew the annual subscription with LALC, as it is such a well-used and informative resource. ACTION: Clerk renew LALC annual subscription. TD: When requested.

It was RESOLVED that the Clerk renew the annual agreement with the Play Inspection Company, with the additional request that the Inspector can be met at his next inspection. ACTION: Clerk renew PIC annual agreement and request notice of next visit, TD: 1.6.24

It was RESOLVED that the Clerk renew the ICO subscription when it is due. ACTION: Clerk renew ICO annual subscription. TD: When requested.

At the APM, in the Church report, they announced a new grass cutting contract. As a result, the following action was agreed - ACTION: Clerk request the cost of grass cutting to enable the PC to make an informed decision at their next meeting. TD: 1.7.24


a) Discuss and approve quote for play areas fence repairs It was RESOLVED that the quote of £284 for play area fence repairs be accepted and the handyman be instructed to carry out the works at his earliest convenience. ACTION: Contact Handyman with instructions. TD: asap.

b) Discuss and approve quote for removal of weeds along paths (by road) It was RESOLVED that the quote of £230.00 be accepted for the removal of weeds. ACTION: Clerk instruct the handyman. TD: asap.


a) Agree and approve new policy Two quotes have been gathered from our existing insurers and another. It was RESOLVED: that the Clerk accept the annual insurance quote of £570.00 and instruct the Insurance Company to activate the HPC policy on 1.6.24. ACTION: Clerk to instruct new company, and inform current company to NOT renew our policy on 1,.6.24, TD: 28.5.24


a) Discuss and agree next steps Chair has written to RAF Waddington (as per the action from meeting in March) regarding using Vicarage Lane as a through road, which it is for local access only. The Station Commander has replied and has stated he will speak to the chain of command. The Clerk has written to the Harmston Community Speedwatch Volunteers, to ask if they might have a moment to carry out a Speedwatch in the village. Harmston PC currently has the shared SpID on Vicarage Lane, and the HPC SpID continues to be fully utilised on Church Lane. A resident has contacted the Parish Council regarding their concerns about the lorries that use Church Lane, as part pf an ongoing matter The Parish Council asked Cllr Carrington if he had anything further to add about restricting such vehicles. Cllr Carrington explained that there are no powers that enable him to do so, and that the by-pass will be the solution. The By-pass application was submitted recently by Cllr Carrington, and planning permission has been granted. Cllr Carrington agreed to contact the resident directly to answer his email and questions.


The next meeting of Harmston Parish Council which will be held on Tuesday 16th July 2024 at the Memorial Hall, Harmston, at 7.30pm

There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.05pm

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes.