September 2024 Meeting Notes

Notes of the Meeting of

Harmston Parish Council

at The Memorial Hall, Harmston

on Tuesday 17th September 2024 at 7.30 pm




Cllr Paul Wallace

Parish Councillor


Cllr David Harrison

Parish Councillor

Vice Chairman

Cllr Brian Hamilton

Parish Councillor


Cllr Kevin Goodwin

Parish Councillor


Cllr Phil Chapman

Parish Councillor


Cllr Barry Smith

Parish Councillor


Mrs Helen Jones

Clerk & RFO

Clerk & RFO

Cllr Ian Carrington


County Councillor

Clllr Lance Pennell


District Councillor



OPEN FORUM – 15 minutes held before meeting commenced.

There were no residents in attendance.


District Councillor Sanders and Cooper sent their apologies, as they were attending other meetings.


Full list is available to view on


  1. Local Police PC Roberts is on leave.

  2. County Councillor Report Cllr Carrington discussed the North Hykeham Relief Road and that the certainty of this project (which has been granted planning permission) is currently unknown, following the recent general election.  There are huge financial benefits for this project and therefore Cllr Carrington hopes it will continue, and is doing all he can to ensure this. The issue of devolution continues.Again. this has financial gains.

  3. District Councillor Reports Cllr Pennell explained that the Chief Exec and Deputy Chief Exec of NKDC are both leaving. Recruitment has begun with replacements being confirmed on 3rd October 2024. Annual electoral canvas has begun, and Cllr Pennell highlighted the importance of all residents completing this. Any Community Champions must be nominated by 23.9.24.  Cllr Pennell explained a ‘design code’ is being developed, which will vary area to area according to its individuality. Consultation ends 21.10.24.

4/9 CO-OPT

  1. To discuss new applications and vote. An application was received and it was RESOLVED: Mr Barry Smith become a Parish Councillor for Harmston.  Councillor Smith was welcomed by the Chair. ACTION: Clerk to share training dates with new councillor, TD: 30.9.24

  2. Newly elected Councillors to complete mandatory forms. Cllr Smith completed the necessary forms. ACTION: Clerk to submit the forms and keep a copy on file, TD: 30.9.24


It was RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 16th July 2024 were approved, and signed by the Chair.


  1. Councillor vacancies readvertised on website, responses replied to and relevant documents shared

  2. Church informed of donation decision and payment processed

  3. HMH informed of pledge decision

  4. As the following policies were approved at July’s meeting, they have been updated on the HPC website: Disciplinary; Grievance; Sickness & Absence; Training; Website Accessibility

  5. LRSP contacted re support concerning crossing the A607 to access public transport

  6. Resident updated re A607

  7. Play Inspection Company contacted re inspection date, which was shared with PC

  8. Light from Chapel Lane has been located and update shared with PC

  9. All actions from July’s meeting have been carried out (with one exception)

  10. Article drafted and submitted to HM newsletter

  11. The remaining policies which the HPC needed to adopt have been drafted and are awaiting approval:

  1. Social Media and Communications Policy

  2. Grants & Donations Policy

  3. Staff Recruitment Policy

  1. HPC policy and documents overview updated and shared with PC

  2. Co-option Application and Eligibility form drafted and shared and awaiting approval

  3. Risk Assessments reviewed and updated, and ready for approval are:

  1. HPC Risk Assessment

  2. Litter Picking

  3. Play Area

  4. Christmas Event

  1. Day 6 of CiLCA training attended

NB: Please remember this report only lists some of the main actions, and not all actions carried out by the Clerk

There were no issues raised out with those on the agenda.


  1. To consider the Financial Overview to date for 2024-2025 (emailed) It was RESOLVED: That the Financial Overview be accepted.

  2. To consider the VAT report to date, for September 2024 It was RESOLVED: That the VAT Report to date, be accepted Appendices 3

  3. To consider the Financial Report for September 2024 It was RESOLVED: That the Financial Report for September, Part A be accepted Appendices 1

  4. Monies to be paid Invoices of pending payments were checked against proposed spend, and it was RESOLVED: that the Financial Report, Part B for September 2024, be accepted and for the Clerk to make these payments Appendices 2

  5. HPC Accounts file to be monitored and log signed Cllr Harrison completed this task.  


  1. TREE WORKS None


  3. 24/0893/FUL land at the mill, Grantham Road – no comment to add

24/0676/HOUS School House, School Lane - approved

24/0677/LBC School House, School Lane - approved             


  1. Consider emails received from residents concerning the recording of historic rights of way – focussing on the Viking Way which runs through Harmston The original route through Harmston Pak Avenue and the Spinney to Coleby was changed as part of protecting the hospital some years ago.  In 2000 some residents tried to reinstate this route, however the land owner objected.  Residents have written to HPC expressing their concerns about not losing this historic right of way and have asked that the HPC look into preserving this.  The HPC did write to the land owner again a few years ago, and again the owner rejected this proposal.

  2. Agree on actions regarding the Viking Way

ACTION: Cllr Smith to research the process and actions needed, and report back at Novembers Meeting.Cllr Smith to form a working party wtih Cllr Hamilton. T/D: 17.11.24

ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Wallace to check to see what existing documents they may have. T/D: 17.11.24

ACTION: Clerk to write to residents with update from meeting. T/D: 1.10.24



  1. Review & approve:

  1. Social media and Electronic Policy It was RESOLVED: that the document be approved. ACTION: Clerk update on website, and update new monitoring document, T/D: 20.10.24.

  2. Staff Recruitment Policy It was RESOLVED: that the checklist be approved. ACTION: Clerk update on website, and update new monitoring document, T/D: 20.10.24.

  3. Grants and Donations Policy It was RESOLVED: that the request procedure be approved. ACTION: Clerk update on website, and update new monitoring document, T/D: 20.10.24.

  4. HPC Policy Overview It was RESOLVED: that the policy be approved. ACTION: Clerk update on website, and update new monitoring document, T/D: 20.10.24.

  5. Co-option Application and Eligibility Form It was RESOLVED: that the policy be approved. ACTION: Clerk update on website, and update new monitoring document, T/D: 20.10.24.


  1. Review and approve:

  1. HPC Risk Assessment It was RESOLVED: that the document be approved. ACTION: Clerk update on website, and update new monitoring document, T/D: 20.1024.

  2. Litter Picking Risk Assessment It was RESOLVED: that the document be approved. ACTION: Clerk update on website, and update new monitoring document, T/D: 20.10.24.

  3. Play Area Risk Assessment It was RESOLVED: that the document be approved. ACTION: Clerk update on website, and update new monitoring document, T/D: 20.10.24.

  4. Christmas Event Risk Assessment It was RESOLVED: that the document be approved. ACTION: Clerk update on website, and update new monitoring document, T/D: 20.10.24.


  1. Update regarding residents’ concerns about the A607 We have been given a new contact to share this issue with. ACTION: Clerk to write to the resident, explaining the new information and requesting they email the new contact outlining their concerns, T/D: 1.10.24

ACTION: Clerk to email new contact explaining residents’ concerns, T/D: 20.10.24

ACTION: Clerk to add new contact to our website, to enable other concerned residents to share their perspectives, T/D: 20.10.24

ACTION: If we haven’t received a response by the week before our November meeting, Clerk to add it to the agenda, and inform Councillor Carrington, T/D: 12.11.24


  1. Feedback from Councillors who attended the Inspection It was a very thorough inspection lasting approx. 2 hours. Cllrs Wallace and Harrison attended and were impressed with the service which they found to be very detailed and comprehensive.

  2. Consider the Report from the Play Inspection Company Cllrs Wallace and Harrison, based on their inspection visit and the report, deemed the following most important and urgent to address:

  1. Swings – fastening and fail safe

  2. Roof tractor

  3. Gate

  4. Small slide handrail rotting at base

  5. Cut tree branch back

  6. Bird droppings on children’s swings

  1. Discuss and agree long term bird deterrents Plastic spikes are one option. ACTION: Clerk to contact play area equipment manufacturer about works covered by guarantee and to ask for their recommendations for bird deterrents – with a focus on safety for the user’s safety. T/D:10.10.24. ACTION: Clerk to update resident concerned re bird waste, T/D: 1.10.24

  2. Agree works needed, and quotes to be requested ACTION: Clerk to contact the manufacturers re pole replacement, child safe bird deterrents, and fail safe for swings, T/D: 10.10.24

ACTION: Clerk request quote from House into Home for list of repairs. T/D: 1.10.24

ACTION: Clerk to add quotes to November’s agenda, or approve quotes where appropriate using delegated powers, T/D: 12.11.24

ACTION: Clerk to gather costs and examples of signs for play area for next meeting, T/D 12.11.24

ACTION: Clerk and PC to keep checking the play area periodically, T/D: ongoing

14/9 SIGNS

  1. To discuss and agree preventative measures regarding the display of signs to promote local events within the village – especially those that might be distracting to drivers All fly posting needs reporting as it is a criminal offence (report here). The Parish Council does not have the powers to prevent it but by reporting posters – these should then be removed.  The Clerk has contacted the resident who was concerned about this, and they have kindly reported it.  ACTION: Clerk to inform resident of outcome of the meeting, T/D: 1.10.24.


a)Consider updates and agree next steps regarding the replacement of a pole on Chapel Lane Following a discussion, it was RESOLVED: that the light not be reinstated. ACTION: Clerk to email National Grid and request they keep the cabling underground to ensure that. if at a later date, the HPC decides to reinstate the light, that the cabling is still in place to do so, and to ask for the removed light fitting to be delivered to the HPC to be stored T/D: 10.10.24


  1. Agree on events and budget It was RESOLVED: that 10 metres of Christmas lights be purchased to add to last year’s new set. ACTION: Clerk to purchase lights. T/D: 1.11.24 It was RESOLVED: that Christmas tree be ordered, no larger than last years, and costing no more than £250.00. ACTION: Clerk to order the tree and arrange delivery, T/D: 1.11.24.

  2. Clerk asked to request a quote for refitting the steel tree support, T/D asap

  3. Clerk asked to arrange PAT testing of the Christmas tree lights, T/D 20.11.24

b)Discuss and confirm event date and those who can attend Two possible dates – 30th Nov or 7th Dec.

ACTION: Clerk asked to contact both the church and HMH to check there wouldn’t be a clash of events, T/D: 1.10.24

ACTION: Clerk asked to check which date most suited the Salvation Army, T/D: 1.10.24

c)Discuss and make decision regarding Nominate a Neighbour It was agreed that whilst this event was very suitable for 2020 during Covid restrictions, that the feedback since has not been as favorable, and therefore this event wouldn’t be run this year.


a)Update from the Clerk Following her latest CiLCA training, the Clerk shared that she had been advised that a Staffing Update was not required at each meeting – one or two a year would be sufficient.  There were no other staffing issues that required discussion at this meeting.

18/9 DATE FOR NEXT MEETING The next meeting of Harmston Parish Council which will be held on Tuesday 19th November 2024 at the Memorial Hall, Harmston, at 7.30pm.


There being no further agenda matters to discuss, the meeting was closed by the Chair at 9.02pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes.