November 2024 Meeting Notes

Notes of the Meeting of

Harmston Parish Council

at The Memorial Hall, Harmston

on Tuesday 19th November 2024 at 7.40 pm


Present Title Role
Cllr Paul Wallace Parish Councillor Chairman
Cllr David Harrison Parish Councillor Vice Chairman
Cllr Brian Hamilton Parish Councillor  
Cllr Barry Smith Parish Councillor  
Cllr Helen Jones Clerk & RFO Clekr & RFO
Cllr Ian Carrington Councillor County Councillor
Cllr Matthew Cooper Councillor District Councillor
Cllr Lance Pennell Councillor District Councillor

OPEN FORUM – 15 minutes held before meeting commenced.

There were no residents in attendance, however there were some resident emails to discuss. N

ew brighter lights on Harmston Park Avenue. Some residents are finding them far too bright and intrusive. Clerk has checked with E-On and they are maintained by LCC. Clerk has contacted LCC and no response. Residents have been kept up to date. Cllr Carrington has offered to help with this. ACTION: Clerk to email Cllr Carrington with details of who has already been contacted, address of properties affected, and copy of email already sent to LCC. T/D: asap.

Only 1 salt bin on Harmston Park Avenue, a resident has requested an additional one. ACTION: Clerk to email Highways (cc Cllr Carrington) to assess the need. T/D: 1.1.25 It was noted that they may not agree with the request and need to weigh up safety. An incident has occurred on this corner near No 1 HPA, and thus the request for an additional bin.


Parish Councillors Goodwin and Chapman have submitted their apologies, and their reasons have been accepted. District Councillor Sanders sent his apologies.


Full list is available to view on


a) Local Police PC Roberts is on leave.

b) County Councillor Report Cllr Carrington shared an update on Church Lane, The renewal of a contract had been submitted to a committee that he is Chairman of. A provision was added to the new contract that HGV’s take routes out-with small villages. This will take effect next Spring and should hopefully see a decrease in HGV vehicles on Church Lane. Cllr Carrington will write to the resident who has concerns re the vehicles using Chapel Lane. LCC continue to commit money and resources to the Relief Road, and are continuing to push the Government for their contribution (which has been put into question following the general election). Recommended refusal of the Solar Park – HPC should comment on this when asked to do so. Flood enquiries continue. Residents need to keep reporting pot holes. 135,000 road repairs in the summer alone. If the drains at the lights are blocked let highways know first, and then inform Cllr Carrington.

c) District Councillor Reports Cllr Pennell explained that the new Chief Exec and Deputy Chief Exec of NKDC have been recruited, and they start in the new year. Bin dates will change over Christmas – details to follow. Consultation for 8 weeks for remote attendance for Cllrs (including PC). Deputy PM is in favour. May allow proxy voting. Cllr Pennell suggests HPC responds when asked for an opinion.

Cllr Cooper shared a scam warning – ‘winter heating subsidy office, and ‘universal credit scam’. ACTION: clerk to add to HPC website, T/D: asap

4/11 CO-OPT

a) To discuss new applications and vote There were no new candidates at this time.

b) Newly elected Councillors to complete mandatory forms.


It was RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 17th September 2024 were approved, and signed by the Chair.


1. HMH and Church contacted re Christmas Event date, and date confirmed for Sat 30th Nov, 5.30pm

2. Christmas Tree ordered and delivery date requested

3. Volunteers asked and booked in to put Christmas tree up ahead of switch on event

4. Salvation Army booked and confirmed

5. Posters for Christmas event drafted, printed and displayed

6. Save the date for Christmas event added to website

7. 10 metres of tree lights ordered and received

8. Article written and submitted to Harmston Matters, and Christmas event poster shared

9. Article written and submitted to Graffoe Link

10. National Grid contacted – light delivered to Clerk for storage

11. Local Council Award webinar attended

12. Paper work for new Cllr submitted and training info shared, date now booked

13. New contact re road safety contacted regarding residents’ concerns of crossing A607 safely – no response as yet (resident updated)

14. Quote requested for fitting of tree support

15. Quote for removal and disposal of Christmas tree requested

16. Play area equipment manufacturer contacted

17. Quotes for play area repairs (based on Play Inspection report) requested, received and instructed. 1st set of works completed.

18. Signs for play area investigated. Sign ordered and received.

19. Website updated with approved updates to Risk Assessments and policies

20. Liaised with E-ON, LCC and residents, to assist residents re new lights on HPA (residents kept updated)

21. Two batteries ordered and received for SpIDs

22. All actions designated to the Clerk in September’s meeting have been completed

23. Planning for budget and precept for 2024-2025 begun NB: Please remember this report only lists some of the main actions, and not all actions carried out by the Clerk 


a) To consider the Financial Overview to date for 2024-2025 (emailed) It was RESOLVED: That the Financial Overview be accepted.

b) To consider the VAT report to date, for November 2024 It was RESOLVED: That the VAT Report to date, be accepted Appendices 3

c) To consider the Financial Report for November 2024 It was RESOLVED: That the Financial Report for September, Part A be accepted Appendices 1

d) Monies to be paid Invoices of pending payments were checked against proposed spend, and it was RESOLVED: that the Financial Report, Part B for November 2024, be accepted and for the Clerk to make these payments Appendices 2

e) HPC Accounts file to be monitored and log signed Cllr Smith retained the Accounts File for a through review and will return this to the Clerk once this has been completed.

f) Review and agree LALC audit agreement It was RESOLVED: That the LALC audit agreement be accepted, and the relevant document was signed and dated ACTION: Clerk to send form to LALC, T/D: 24.12.24

g) Share budget planning document and discuss actions needed Add VE day commemorations and well to budget. It was proposed and seconded and RESOLVED that HPC act as a TPC for ‘FCC Environment’ alongside pledged grant of £2,000. ACTION: Clerk to let HMH secretary know decision this evening.




c) 24/0893/FUL land at the mill, Grantham Road has been approved 9/11 VIKING WAY a) Update from Councillors Hamilton and Smith Cllrs Hamilton and Smith have had a meeting with a local historian. There is a historic right of way through Harmston Park Avenue, wood and field, which was rerouted due to the hospital. There are maps of this which are being obtained. The Cllrs will now research historic rights of way.


a) Update from Clerk regarding residents’ concern about the A607 crossing Both the clerk and resident have emailed LRSP and neither have received a reply. ACTION: email Cllr Carrington and LRSP again. T/D 24.12.24. ACTION: check if request to residents to share their concerns re crossing the A607 is on our website, and add if not. T/D: 22.12.24 ACTION: keep resident updated. T/D: ongoing.

b) Update re Church Lane requests Cllr Carrington shared an update on Church Lane, The renewal of a contract had been submitted to a committee that he is Chairman of. A provision was added to the new contract that HGV’s take routes out with small villages. This will take effect next Spring and should hopefully see a decrease in HGV vehicles on Church Lane. Cllr Carrington will write to the resident who has concerns re the vehicles using Chapel Lane. 1


a) Update on works carried out Clerk shared a list of completed works.

b) Update from Clerk re response from Manufacturer of the play equipment The play Inspection report has been sent to the manufacturer at their request – awaiting a response.

c) Update from Clerk re new play area signage New sign in place. Will monitor to see how well it weathers.


a) Update from Clerk re light on Chapel Lane The light removed from Chapel Lane is being stored by the Clerk. A resident has asked where the light has gone. Chair asked the resident to write to the clerk directly. Another resident is happy without it. Will continue to monitor. Could be replaced on a like for like basis.


a) Update from Clerk Date booked and confirmed as Sat 30th Nov at 5.30pm. Salvation Army have been booked. Christmas tree has been ordered and is being delivered this week. Lights are being tested this Thursday.

b) Discuss and confirm event date and those who can attend PW, DH, BD, BS and HJ will be attending. PW to bring BBQ & table. Clerk to bring table and chairs. Clerk to organise food and drink. ACTION: Clerk to readvertise event. T/D: ASAP.

c) Christmas tree base It was agreed that no works need carrying out, having had our Handyman assess it.

14/11 DATE FOR NEXT MEETING The next meeting of Harmston Parish Council which will be held on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at the Memorial Hall, Harmston, at 7.30pm. There being no further agenda matters to discuss, the meeting was closed by the Chair at 9.24pm.

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes.