09/10/23 - 03/11/23 Road closure
Copy of the letter sent to residents ahead of the road works, with an explanation of their purpose:
Dear Sir/Madam
Station Road, Harmston – from Hilltop to bottom of Harmston Hill
I am writing to inform all residents of the upcoming footway/drainage improvement works.
- Description of works: Footway & Drainage works.
- Reason for works: Flooding Alleviation works.
- Commencement date: 09/10/23 – 03/11/23
- Traffic Management: Road Closure
Works include reconstructing and raising the level of the footway/kerbing, and installation of additional drainage.
As part of these works there will be no access travelling up Harmston Hill & the diversion route will be via Brant Road, Station Road, Waddington along the A607. Traffic Management operatives will be on site to manage the access and egress of residents. If you have any queries during the works, please approach the operatives on site who will be able to advise. The operatives undertaking these works are also winter maintenance drivers therefore subject to adverse weather conditions works maybe delayed due to this operation.
Please could you ensure all hedges & vegetation are cut back and not overhanging the public highway prior to the commencement date.
Should you have any queries regarding the above please don’t hesitate to contact the email address or phone at the above address.
Yours faithfully
for Programme Leader Footways and Surface Treatments