harmston church
harmston church

A little update...

Harmston Parish Council has been busy putting measures in place to keep Harmston clean and tidy, such as:


New Litter Picker

Our Litter Picker works weekly to pick up litter right throughout the village, rotating through different sections each week, so that over the course of a few weeks the whole village has been cleared of litter.  This is a rolling responsibility.  Thank you to our new litter picker that has taken on this role and is doing a super job.

If you notice any areas that need attention, please contact http://clerk@harmston.info  if you witness any fly tipping please contact NKDC directly who will remove this.

We can of course all help, by using the bins throughout the village to put our rubbish in, or take our rubbish home to dispose of.


Dog Waste Bins

We have now reinstated 2 missing bins, bringing our total of dog waste bins to 5.  We have made every effort to ensure the bins are spread evenly throughout the village, offering lots of opportunities for all dog walkers to find a bin to place their dogs waste in. 

Please use them, or take your dog waste home to dispose of.

ALL dog waste must be collected by its walker and disposed of in either the provided dog bins or at home. Please clear up after your dogs.  A huge thankyou to those already making use of the bins provided and helping to keep our village clean.

If you notice the bins need emptying please contact http://clerk@harmston.info who will contact NKDC, who are responsible for emptying them.


Grass Cutter

The play area is owned and maintained by the PC, and as part of this we have a new contractor who cuts the grass and strims around the equipment every two weeks in grass cutting season, and every week at peak growing times.

Please contact http://clerk@harmston.info if you have any concerns about this


Weeds on pavements

NKDC have been notified that our pavements need treating to remove unsightly weeds, and we await news on when, and how often this will be done.


Bus Stop

A new sign has been requested for the bus stop - and we await news from Highways on when this will be installed.



We continue to work on many other areas and will update you on these soon.





Published: Wednesday, 13th July 2022