Dog waste bins info
Locations of dog waste bins

A little reminder....

We have a total of 5 dog waste bins, spread evenly throughout the village.  These are emptied regularly.

Thank you to all of our responsible dog owners that use them, and help keep our village clean.

Could we politely remind those dog owners who are not collecting their dogs waste and not using the bins provided to do so please.  The bins are there to keep everyone safe and our village clean. 

The Parish Council own the bins, which are emptied by NKDC.

If you notice a bin has not been emptied/is full, please contact  who will contact NKDC to request they are emptied.

If the bin you intended to use if FULL please use the next available bin to dispose of your dog waste.

Please DO NOT leave bags anywhere other than IN the bin - it is most unpleasant for walkers and local residents.  Inform the clerk asap who will request an additional empty of the bin in question.

Dog waste can be very dangerous for humans and animals.  There is information here explaining why it is so importnat that all waste is put INSIDE the bin.

A huge THANK YOU to so many of you who use the bins and inform us when they are full - we appreicate your efforts to help keep our village paths clean and safe for everyone to use.


Published: Saturday, 5th October 2024