A festive message from your Parish Council...
Harmston Parish Council would like to thank you all for your continued support this year.
We would also thank all of those who have volunteered to help at events (Christmas, Community Speedwatch, meetings etc), and to extend our appreciation and thanks to those whose services help keep our village smart and clean – with particular thanks to our Litter Pickers, Grass Cutters and Handyman.
Lastly, may we wish each and everyone of you a safe and Happy Christmas, and send you every good wish for the New Year.
The Clerk will be on annual leave from w/c 23.12.24, until w/c 6.1.25.
The HPC email will only be checked periodically in this time, and emails will not be responded to until 7.1.25 onwards. The Clerk will endeavour to reply as soon as is possible in the following weeks.