Can you help Harmston Memorial Hall with their fundraising to raise funds to restore the hall floor?
From Harmston Memorial Hall Committee
As you may know Harmston Memorial Hall was built in 1920 and has served our local community well for over 100 years. Its initial purpose was to provide a place of recreation for local residents and veterans returning from the Great War. The Hall remains a Charitable Trust and operates on a not for profit basis with 100% of all donations and funds raised going towards holding events and running costs. We are proud that the Hall is managed entirely by a group of unpaid trustees and volunteers and that it is used nearly every day of the week for a wide range of events & activities including the Young Farmers, Womens Institute and U3A, Zumba, Yoga, Pilates and Dance Classes, Food and Drink events, Live Music, Performances and Exhibitions. It is also available for Private Hire.
We are writing to you because, in recent times, the timber floor of the Hall has started to show its age with ongoing repair and maintenance challenges. The trustees have therefore decided that the time has come to invest in a new floor to the main hall.
Initial estimates indicate that this will cost in excess of £25,000 and so a period of fund raising will be required before works can commence. In the meantime we will continue to liaise with building companies and construction professionals to find the best and most economic long term solution.
If you are able to assist us with this Project, in any way, then we would be very pleased to hear from you.
For example this could include:
Hands on assistance when the work is scheduled to begin.
Introduction to local tradesmen willing to give up their time.
Links to businesses or grant foundations that are known to you and may be able to assist us.
Fund raising events and initiatives, donation of raffle prizes, and sponsorship.
If you would like to take part in fund raising or offer assistance with the planned work (or if you would like to make a donation) then please contact us at harmstonmemorialhall@hotmail.com
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