November 2020 Minutes





Minutes of the Meeting of

Harmston Parish Council


held via Zoom (due to Covid-19 Restrictions)

on Tuesday 17th November 2020 at 7.30 pm





PRESENT: Cllr M Jones (Chair), Cllr I Edgar (Vice-Chair), Cllr B Hamilton, Cllr P Wallace, Cllr E Stockbridge Sime, Cllr I Norman, Cllr J Graham-Walker, DCllr L Hagues, PC Matt Roberts

Also present: Helen Jones (Clerk)

Cllr M Shepherd has resigned, and this has been accepted.  The HPC noted their thanks for Cllr Shepherd’s contribution to the HPC.







None to consider.





Cllr P Wallace declared an interest on item 15 Allotments.

He is a member of The Harmston Allotment Interest Group.

Cllr M Jones declared an interest on items 3 and 6, regarding the village sign.

Cllr E Stockbridge Sime declared an interest in item 10, Planning Application





Three members of public joined the HPC for the open forum, all of which were representatives of the Village Sign Committee.

Mrs Christine Wright, the Chair of the Committee spoke on the committee’s behalf. 

Mrs Wright described how the new village sign that the committee have been responsible for designing and arranging was designed to reflect the locality – representing the church, memorial hall, the pub and the Parish Council.  The sign is complete, and the brackets have been bought to support it.

A variety of positions for the sign have been discussed and dismissed. As the sign belongs to the village, and is associated with the memorial hall, church and pub, these sites were discounted.  The playing field and any other locations on the Sowerby estate were ruled out as the Sign Committee did not deem the field to be central to the village, and not near all other amenities.

The Hill and Church Lane were ruled out as on busy road locations, and it was felt residents would be in danger approaching the sign to look at it, or that it might distract passing motorists. As a result, it was felt that the sign should be located in the old village.  The two sites therefore that were considered were: the grass area outside The Old School; and on the grass verge overlooking the ridge at the bottom of Blacksmiths Lane.

The grass outside the Old School was decided upon because of its central location, because it has a sign on already and because the sign would less likely to be damaged or vandalised.

The residents of The Old School were upset by the decision as there had been no consultation with them, and shared their objections with the Sign Committee. The Sign Committee never intended to upset anyone, but still believe this is the best location, and did not agree with PC Chairman that the site was too dangerous for the village sign.

Mrs Wright asked that the PC discuss and consider the request of the Sign Committee.  The sign requires planning permission and therefore the Sign Committee need the support of the Parish Council to submit an application.

The sign committee believe it is the decision of the NKDC planning committee to determine whether this site is suitable.  If they deem the site unsuitable the Sign Committee will abide by their decision and find an alternative site.





Following the resignation of Cllr M Shepherd, three places are now vacant within Harmston Parish Council.  Following receiving letters of interest from all three candidates it was unanimously agreed that all three applicants would be suitable, and therefore a vote took place as follows:

Mr Ian Norman: Proposed by Cllr P Wallace, Seconded by Cllr I Edgar – all in agreement

Mrs Janette Graham Walker: Proposed by Cllr M Jones, Seconded by Cllr B Hamilton – all in agreement

Mr Ewen Stockbridge Sime: Proposed by Cllr B Hamilton, Seconded by Cllr P Wallace – all in agreement.

Cllr M Jones thanked all three candidates for putting themselves forward, for accepting a role as Councillors on the Parish Council, and welcomed them.

The clerk will arrange the relevant paperwork to be signed before the next meeting, and share training opportunities with the three new councillors.

It was agreed that due to the remote nature of the meeting (as a result of the pandemic restrictions) that the three new councillors would be welcome to stay at the meeting and to engage in discussions, however until the relevant paperwork was signed, they would not be able to participate in any votes.


















It was proposed by Cllr P Wallace and seconded by Cllr B Hamilton that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish held on 22nd September 2020 to be approved.







Due to the declaration of interest from the Chair, Cllr M Jones, Cllr I Edgar chaired this part of the agenda.

Cllr I Edgar stated that he was not happy to put the sign where it upsets any resident, Cllr P Wallace agreed with this.

Cllr B Hamilton agrees with the sign committee (of which he is a member).

Cllr J Graham-Walker suggested the sign and all locations need to be seen before a decision is made.

Cllr M Jones explained the main issues the PC have: the owners of the house had not been asked; the suggested site is on a junction with low visibility; adjacent to where the home owners children play (the lawn is raised and therefore anyone stood on the site can see directly into the garden); there is no footpath for access for all.

Cllr I Edgar suggested the sign and sites should be looked at together to weigh up which would be best.

Mrs Christine Wright invited anyone who would like to see the sign to her garage (where it is currently stored) to view it.  Due to lockdown restrictions, it was agreed that Mrs Wrights email address would be shared to enable everyone to arrange viewings separately to adhere to the lockdown rules.  All councillors will need to arrange their viewings.

Cllr P Wallace asked Mrs Wright if she could share her speech in case any details hadn’t been heard when the signal had waivered.  Mrs Wright agreed.

Cllr I Norman asked if a photograph could be circulated as well.

Cllr M Jones pointed out the sign should be a focus of celebration.





















  1. Local Police – Newsletter received and shared. 

Cllr M Jones welcomed PC Matt Roberts to the meeting, thanked him for taking part, and asked to share a little about himself.  A policeman with over 18 years’ experience, and with knowledge of the locality, PC Roberts has taken over Bracebridge Heath, the Cliff Villages, Metheringham and Bardney.  He will attend those meetings which are most relevant to his role, and is happy to support the PC where he can.

He directed the PC to the Lincolnshire Website where local crime figures can be accessed.

Cllr M Jones explained that the main areas the PC requires guidance and support are: speeding and how the Bypass will impact Harmston.  Cllr M Jones stated that the Parish Council would like to be proactive and pre-empt any negative influences on traffic, speed and volume of vehicles through the village.  Cllr M Jones asked if PC Roberts could help find a contact in Highways.  PC Roberts suggested that the Bypass will only vary the route of traffic, not necessarily the destination.

Cllr J Graham Walker highlighted the speed of some drivers through the village, and how the bend in Church Lane reduces visibility, and suggested a sign warning of this could help.

Cllr P Wallace explained to the new councillors that Harmston is part of the Cliff Villages SPID, which sees Harmston on a rota to use the device.  Currently awaiting to be informed by Highways as to where the device can be used.  It was discussed that investigating the cost of buying such a device for Harmston alone would be sensible. 

Cllr P Wallace suggested that some Police presence around 8.30am/5pm might help some drivers make other choices.

PC Roberts agreed this could be a possibility as similar was utilised in Auborn.  He suggested a week (Mon – Fri) of morning of Police presence could have a great effect, and that this should be the first action taken.

Cllr I Edgar described how a survey was carried out some time ago, and that within one hour, 60 cars were noted to be using the road as a cut through.

PC Roberts suggested asking Highways for ‘sleeping policeman’.

Cllr I Norman also noted that there have been some inappropriate visitors at the view point (Cllr J Graham Walker agreed).  PC Roberts explained that in July he spoke to a local resident who had reported similar events.  He stressed the importance of calling the Police when such visitors are noted. 


  1. District Councillors – DCllr Lucille Hagues attended and shared her report

(Report forwarded to all HPC Councillors – to be forwarded to new councillors)

      D Cllr L Hagues ran through the report.

      The main points being: Leisure sites are shut due to Lockdown; Tourist sites     

      remain closed (due to Lockdown); New contact number for those needing help whilst

      isolating; NK AGM rescheduled to 22 Oct, where D Cllr L Hagues became NK Vice



  1. County Councillor – No representatives were present. No report given.


















































See separate report for details.  Cllr M Jones went through the main points. Some points were discussed further.

There were no issues raised.








As agreed at the previous meeting the Budget was shared with the HPC in advance of this meeting.

See separate document for Finance Report.  There were no issues.

Cllr B Hamilton requested the format was evaluated to prevent paper waste.  The Clerk will look into this.

Cllr P Wallace proposed, and Cllr I Edgar seconded that the accounts were acceptable.  All in agreement.













  1. 20/1276/TPO 25 Crescent Mews

20/1336/TPO 36 Thorold Way

The Parish Council had nothing to note regarding these applications.



  1. 20/0399/OUT Hybrid application – Land at Mill Field
  2. 20/1180/VARCON The Thorold Arms – vary condition 4 (approved plans)
  3. 20/1434/VARCON The Thorold Arms – vary condition 3 (fan speed)


Cllr M Jones asked Cllr E Stockbridge Sime (who lives adjacent to the Thorold Arms, if he would kindly share a little background knowledge about the planning applications, which he kindly did: The new chimneys added to the pub during the renovations were much bigger than the adjoining neighbours had expected.  The fan speed was set at its lowest on the recommendation from the Noise Survey & Environmental Service. 

In October a C02 survey was carried out, it stated that the C02 levels in the kitchen (with the fan on its lowest setting) was above guidelines.  Therefore, it has been requested that the fans are adjusted to a higher setting, and that a muffler or silencer will be added to reduce the noise.

There are two fans (1 for intake and 1 for outtake).  The chimneys should be shielded from public sight, but currently are not.

The impact of the change in planning is the potential of noise pollution. There are lots of unknown factors.

Cllr M Jones asked if there is a noticeable difference between low and high settings.  The Manufacturer states that noise is 66 decibels, ambient noise is 38, without a silencer there would be a 30+ decibel difference.

Cllr E Stockbridge and his neighbour would like a new survey carried out with a silencer fitted.

The old fans went into the field behind which previously reduced the noise levels.  However, the new fans mean the noise is now open to the houses that are adjacent on either side.

It was discussed that if the fan is set higher, then it would be assumed the noise would also be higher.  The fans are permitted between 12pm and 9pm each evening.

Finding the cause of the C02 seemed a sensible option, rather than to just find a solution.  It was agreed that for the benefit of the residents, neighbours and customers in the pub, that reviewing the fans, reviewing the air in and out and finding out why there is so much C02 was important.

Therefore, it was agreed that the PC would submit an objection to the planning on the basis that the PC would not wish for more additional noise to be produced by the fans than previously agreed for the benefit of all concerned.  Cllr M Jones to draft, share and submit such a statement.

Cllr PW Proposed this, Cllr I Edgar Seconded, and all were in agreement.

Cllr E Stockbridge Sime pointed out that as supporters of the pub, this was about finding a solution suitable for all involved, in a positive and proactive, and not a negative way.















































  1. Fence quotes: Two quotes have been procured for the fencing around the Play Area.  Hardwood: £3664.65, and Softwood: £2843.00.  It was agreed that as Hardwood is the most hardwearing that this would be the most suitable choice.  There is a 12-week timescale, and therefore this work will not commence until the new year.  The PC could claim the VAT back which would reduce the cost. Clerk to let Management Company know of decision reached.

The need for a gate was discussed and it was concluded that a gate was essential for keeping younger children safe and keeping dogs out.It was also agreed that a slow-release spring would be essential to avoid fingers getting trapped.

  1. Repairs and inspection:  Clerk has contacted the supplier of the play area and sent the reports to them.  Clerk is still awaiting a response. It was agreed that if a response was not received in the next few weeks, that a decision would need to be made regarding the repairs, regardless of warrantee.
  2. Play Area Rules: Permission has been granted by Mr P Sowerby for the fence and for a sign with some ‘rules’ for the play area.  The clerk will share the drafts with the new clerks.  The clerk has also researched sign making companies.


The arrival of a sign stating ‘PRIVATE Harmston village residents only’ at the playing field was discussed.  The clerk has received several letters of complaint, from residents saddened by the sign.  From looking at the planning, it was considered that the sign was in breach of planning.  Under section 106 the play area and field should be open for all.

Clerk was asked to respond to the residents asking them to question the planning with the Management Company.


























To be added to the next meeting’s agenda.




road traffic

  1. Road Traffic issues: Discussion with PC Roberts were very positive, at forming plans for a way forward.

Cllr I Norman suggested requesting weight restriction from Highways to help reduce traffic.Cllr I Edgar explained this has been previously requested, but this will not be an option until the bypass is complete.

Cllr M Jones has spoken to Highways about the pending bypass – and will seek further information.

It was discussed that seeking the support of D Councillors Hagues and Overton could help secure some help.


  1. SPID: Clerk has been trying to locate.  Clerk spoke to the Chair of Navenby who explained Navenby have now bought two if their own devices and are therefore no longer part of the scheme.  The clerk has tried other contacts but with no success so far.

Clerk to look into costing of buying a SPID device for Harmston.


There was an accident recently on one of the village footpaths.  The lady involved had informed the Clerk of her accident. It was agreed that the incident was reported to LCC through Fix My Street.  Clerk to let the lady involved know. 






















Costs and Funding: Replacing the existing bulbs with energy saving bulbs will bring a saving of 67% on the bills, and will be more environmentally friendly.

Clerk has been investigating grants to help cover the cost, and will continue to do so.









Following the last meeting, letters were drafted and sent to all local landowners requesting land for either allotments or a community garden.  Clerk is awaiting replies.






  1. Sadly, due to the pandemic the annual Christmas Tree Light switch on event has had to be cancelled, as there is no way to do this safely or withing government guidelines.
  2. The Christmas Tree has been ordered and will go ahead as normal.
  3. A donation will be made to the Salvation Army, in lieu of them being able to play Christmas Carols and collect donations as they normally do.


It was agreed that an alternative event was essential considering the events of the year.  It was agreed how important some community-based events would be for the residents.

Cllr M Jones asked that ideas be shared with the clerk so that arrangements could be made.  Ideas so far included: decorating houses for Christmas; reaching out to people living on their own; children searching for hidden baubles in the village.














It was agreed that a Harmston Parish Council account on Facebook should be set up, to enable the PC to engage in the Harmston Community page without having to use an individual’s personal account.

Clerk to set this up.








Clerk shared training and seminar that she would like to attend.  Cllr P Wallace proposed a Training amount of £250.00 be cleared for the Clerk to use to book and attend relevant training.  Cllr M Jones seconded this.  All in agreement.


Clerk to share training schedule with new councillors.









  1. Play Area – fence, repairs and discussion of public suggestions
  2. Footpaths
  3. Roads – traffic and SPID (Speed Indicator Device)
  4. Risk Assessment
  5. Old Village Well







The next meeting will be Tuesday 26th January 2020, 7:30pm. Location, or use of zoom tbc based upon most current Covid-19 Government Guidelines






There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 10.30pm